Forty Four

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It's the COEX mall, an underground shopping center, convention center, entertainment hot spot, and crazy popular tourist destination. Ever since you arrived in Seoul and started living here, you've wanted to come here, but you never found the time or were too scared. Yoongi opens the door for you and you step into the foyer of the building. He leads you down the the shopping area and you cannot believe your eyes.

It's modern, fancy, beautiful, just amazing. You look up and see the tall and bright ceiling, and look down the crowds of people going about their business. You look down one way then the other, overwhelmed by the massive size of the mall. You grip Yoongi's hand and he leads you to a directory.

"Pick somewhere to go," he says. You try to find a store you're familiar with or one that you're interested in, but you can't decide. You shake your head looking up at Yoongi. "What, can't read it?"

"No! I just..."


You nod. He understands and points out places on the map that you might be interested in. There's Nike, Levi...You lose Yoongi in the long list of all the places. You look at the map and point to one place.


It's an aquarium, which sounds like it could be fun.

"I thought you'd like to shop. But alright, aquarium it is jagiya." He leads you through the shopping area to the more entertainment based area. You look at the shops you pass by, unfortunately, not recognizing most of them. A lot are Korean brands that you've never shopped or even knew about.

"Do you know all these shops?" You ask Yoongi. He nods.

"Why wouldn't I?" He laughs now. You shrug. "I know it's a lot. But a lot of these places are companies, chains basically. You'll see, most are similar to American stores I would think."

"They do have a few that I know. How far is the aquarium?"

"I know it's this way, though I don't know exactly how far."

"Have you been in?"

"Once, with family when I was in middle school. It was cool, my brother scared me though. We were with the sharks and he came up behind me and snapped by my ear. I back handed him by accident and my Eomma scolded me."

You can't help but snicker and Yoongi smirks. "Did he get mad?"

"No, he understood. I mean, he didn't like getting hit, but he understood."

"What's your brothers name?"


"Does he look like you?"

"Like older and a bit lazier. If you can believe that," Yoongi laughs at the dig at himself. The smile fades as he thinks of his family again.


"Yeah?" He snaps out of it.

"How badly do you miss your family?"

"More than I'd like to admit sometimes. But it's not that I'm unhappy here. Just, being away from family is hard. You understand..."

You nod. Thinking about how much Yoongi misses his family, and they're only an hour or so away, makes you realize how long you've been away from your family. You shake the thought out of your head and squeeze his hand. He reciprocates the gesture and then points.

"There it is Y/N!"

"You sound like a kid," you giggle. His gummy smile appears and he breaks from your hand to do a silly happy dance that makes you crack up. You can't help but cover your face, pretending to be ashamed of him. "Oppa..."

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