Twenty Two

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When you get back to their dorm, you decide to stay for a while, sitting back down and talking with them some more. You end up asking them questions this time, getting to know each of them better. Jungkook moved here without his family.

"I debated leaving for a while, I felt so out of place and lonely. But then Jin hyung showed me around and made me feel better."

"I took dance lessons growing up," Hoseok revealed. "My dad didn't like the idea but my mom was on board and even went out of her way to pay for them. I am eternally grateful for her and all the extra work to pay for my lessons. This is how I'm repaying her."

"I'm glad I became a trainee, I got the opportunity I have now. Although, Yoongi hyung can agree with me, there were some times we thought that our group would be pulled from the plans. We couldn't settle on the members and the line up kept changing," Namjoon told and Yoongi and him talked about a few years of their undecided fate. It was hard to hear at parts, at one point they lost hope and almost gave up.

"I had a lot of chances to sign with bigger companies," Jin said, "But I joined BigHit and I'm glad I did. I feel like this group is more of a family than I would had with another group. I'm much happier here with these six dongsaeng's than I would have been elsewhere."

"I want to become better in dancing and singing. I know I've got a lot of work to do, but I want to be just as good, if not better than hyung," Jimin said, looking at Hoseok who grinned. "I'll train you to be a mini Hoseok!"

"I can't wait to meet fans face to face. I want to give them an experience at fan meetings that they'll never forget. I want them to feel special and like they're the only one that matters in that moment. They deserve to feel special, both boys and girls," Taehyung said, a smile beaming on his face.

"What about you hyung?" Jimin asks Yoongi once they all shared. You look at him and smile.

"I want to give fans a sense of importance. I want to make a difference. I want to make my mark on the world and I want to help people life with purpose. I want to create music that people latch onto and connect to. I want to work my hardest. But not sweat. That's gross."

You can't help but laugh. The others do too.

"You know what else I want to do?" He asks when you've all finished.

"What?" Jimin asks, leaning in.

"I want to go to bed."

"But Y/N's still here..." Jungkook says.

"Yeah! Hyung we all share a room! And you're on top bunk!" Taehyung adds.

"God Dammit you two! Not what I meant, I'm going to take her home! Idiots..." He says, smirking and rising. He extends a hand to you and you take it and hop up then drop your grip. He walks you out and to the street.

"It's late, you should go back up and go to bed, I'll just take a cab," you insist. He looks up and down the street. There are no cars in sight.

"What cab? Going to create one with your mind?"

You look around and sigh.

"Guess I'll have to walk you back. No big deal," he smiles. You begin walking the way you came originally, quietly. Yoongi looks exhausted but is fighting to stay awake, for you.

"Yoongi..." You say, noticing.


"You look like you're about to fall over from exhaustion. Go to bed, I'll be fine."

"No. It's late, there's no one around. I'm taking you home."


"No arguing with me Y/N," he says strictly and keeps walking. You sigh and nod, accepting the fact that he won't back down.

"Thank you," you say quietly.

"Don't feel bad, I'm choosing to do this. What sort of boyfriend would I be if I didn't walk you home and keep you safe? A goddamn awful one, that's what I'd be."

You snap your head up at the word 'boyfriend'.

"Boy...boyfriend?" You ask.

"Huh?" He asks,

"Boyfriend. You said boyfriend."

"Yes, I know what I said."

"But earlier you..."

He cuts you off, "I know, but I figured it was time to define it. I spend enough time with you and well...I like you a lot."

You blush harder than you have in a long time and he notices. His gummy smile appears and he takes your hand. You entwine your fingers with his and hold tight.

"Don't destroy my hand, please..."

"Oh, sorry..." you say, loosening your grip. He giggles.

"You're adorable Y/N, when you get all flustered."

"What? I am?"

"Yes," he smiles, looking at you. His dark chocolate eyes that captivated you in the beginning have a new sparkle in them. He looks happy, on a new level though. He has a new smile in his eyes, put there by you. You realize you're staring and quickly look away. "Alright, now you're just doing that on purpose. Damn it, Y/N, stop that," he teases.

"I'm not...I wasn't...aish..." You hang your head, blushing hard from both being flattered and a bit embarrassed. You can sense him smiling, proud of his flirting skills. The two of you walk quietly, but comfortably to your apartment. When you finally get there, he insists he brings you up to your place. You allow him up and into your apartment.

"Time for bed," he chimes.

"You need to leave then. I'm sure you'll find a cab on this street. It's much busier," you say, setting your purse and phone down.

"Alright, I'll head home. Goodnight, jagiya," he says, taking your hand one last time. You smile when he does and he does too.

"Goodnight, Yoongi."

He leaves after smiling at you happily. Just as he leaves, you rush out after him, "Yoongi! Yoongi!"

He's not far, so he spins around and rushes over to you, "What? I've been gone only a minute and you're shouting for me to come back. Do you need me to stay the night or something?" He teases.

"No, no I'm okay. Just...text me when you get home. I want to make sure you're safe."

"Alright, I will. Goodnight, Y/N. Go to bed now," he insists, stroking your face gently and lovingly with his finger. You nod and rush back up to your bed and lay down. You're just about to fall asleep when your phone buzzes.

<<Home safe jagiya. Just like you asked.>>

You smile and then drift off, happier than you have been in a while.

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