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You wake up suddenly and feel your stomach hurt. You pause, hoping it's not because you're about to be sick. Luckily it's not, you're just hungry. Oh yeah, I skipped dinner...You turn slightly and are reminded that Yoongi's sleeping. You're too swaddled to get up, but you know that the stomach pangs will only get worse if you don't have at the very least, a protein bar. You debate about waking up Yoongi, but are reminded that he hates to be woken up. You decide to just sneak out of the blanket bundle and hopefully not disturb him. You're successful, and quietly sneak to the kitchen.

"Y/N?!" You hear him shout. Shit.

"I'm okay!" You say, retrieving your midnight-ish snack. He's out in the living room in seconds.

"What are you doing?" He's panicked in his voice.

"Getting something to eat...I skipped dinner and my stomach hurt."

He exhales a deep breath he was holding. "Ah...okay...I was worried."

"I can see that...Don't worry."

"Okay..." he says, leaning against the wall, getting sleepy again. He rubs his eyes as you quickly wolf down the snack and then go back to him.

"Come now," you say taking his hand. He follows you back and then pulls you onto the bed after he already collapses. You fall next to him, and he holds you close again. The blankets are pulled back to you and you become 100% relaxed and sleepy again.

"No more getting up now. Sleepy time," Yoongi says, burying his face in your hair. You wiggle into him and fall asleep again. 

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