Forty Eight

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"I'm back!"

"Hey, how as cleaning?"

"Well...considering I have traumatized Hobi, pretty good," Yoongi snickers. You roll your eyes and smile. "What have you been up to today?"

"Nothing. I slept late though. I thought you weren't going to come back though? Stay at the dorm for the night?"

"Well about that. Nothing bad, but my managers were concerned as to why I wasn't at the dorm when they stopped by a bit ago. Jin suggested I go back for a couple nights, to assure them that you're no issue..."

"That's fine," You say.

"Wait you're not upset?"

"No, being away is probably good. Not being dependent is a sign of a healthy relationship," you advise. Yoongi nods as he comes to sit down by you.

"Anything you want to do for the day?" Yoongi asks you.

"No, not really. I've just been sitting here."

"Staring at the wall? That's sort of boring but I mean..."

You laugh, "No silly. I watched some TV, listened to music, read a bit. Nothing really exciting though. Glad you're back even if it's for a while."

Yoongi smiles at that, "Good to know. Well, if you don't mind, I'd like to shower. I feel sort of gross, not going to lie."

"As long as you clean the drain pipe, fine by me," you say turning on the TV.

"I can't tell if you're kidding..." Yoongi says hesitantly.

"Does my face look like I'm kidding?" You ask, smiling a massive grin.

"Yes, thank god."

Yoongi goes to undress and shower while you get comfy again. You're actually watching M Countdown, or at least what you recorded of it. You like watching the groups perform, especially the really famous ones. You hope that one day, Yoongi and the others get a fancy stage for it. You mutter along to the songs, not really knowing the majority of the lyrics, but still enjoying the catchy tunes. Yoongi walks out a while later in just his pants.

"Who's on?"

"G-Dragon is on right now," you point. His song starts and Yoongi leans over the couch, watching the superstar perform.

"Jungkook loves him," Yoongi tells you.

"Why does that not surprise me?"

"He wants to meet him someday."

"Don't we all?"

Yoongi smiles and nods, "Good point. I've heard he's actually pretty shy."

"He doesn't seem like it..."

"People say I'm cold and sometimes too straightforward and honest. Looks aren't always what they seem."

"True," you nod. "I like you though, even if you are that way sometimes. I mean, I can be really rude to people if I think the situation calls for it."

"Can't everyone?"

"No, my mom can't be. She's too nice. She's from the Midwest region of the United States. She's got a nice personality and is really sweet. She met my dad in college and agreed to move to LA when they got married."

"Huh. Is that why you're always really kind?"

You laugh, "I can be pretty mean Yoongi. I just don't show it."

"I can't imagine you being mean to someone. Honest."

"Well that's good to know I suppose."

"You're too cute to be mean," Yoongi says, kissing your cheek then going back to finish dressing. You begin to ignore the show, not like you were super into anyway. You look at your phone and see what's going on back home. You look at Instagram and see your friends doing fun things, movies, the beach, little vacations.

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