Twenty One

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It's a Hard Rock Cafe, Seoul's part of the chain. In Los Angeles, you loved coming here with friends for parties and quick bites. It was busy, but the atmosphere was fun. A few times there, you did see famous people, but kind of rarely, oddly enough. The eight of you walk in and Yoongi approaches the desk area.

"We have a reservation..."


"Min Yoongi."

"It will be about ten minutes. Here," he hands Yoongi a buzzer and he thanks him. He turns around to find you, but you've gone off to the souvenir area with the younger kids who are so happy and excited, looking at all the merchandise. Yoongi comes over and smiles.

"I figured it'd be fun to go somewhere that you might be used to."

"You thought right Yoongi," you grin, looking at some magnets. "I have a few like these at home. In the US I mean."

"Really? You should get one. It will be fun to have, maybe send it to your parents. I bet they'd appreciate it."

You think about it and look at him. He has a happy smile on his face, one that he isn't thinking about. It's natural. he's just happy to be near me and seeing me happy. He looks so...elated...

"I'll get it after, don't let me forget."

"Will do," Yoongi nods.

"Y/N!" Jungkook shouts from behind a rack of sweatshirts and clothing. You peer over and he has on a massive sweatshirt with the logo of the chain. "Am I an American tourist yet?"

You laugh, "Yes!"

The maknae grins at your approval and Jimin teases him a bit and Taehyung comments. Jin comes over and stands with you and Yoongi. You all pass the time, looking and teasing each other, pointing out cool stuff. The buzzer goes off in Yoongi's hand and he shouts for all of you to gather so you can sit. Everyone does and are taken to a nice big table by a lot of regalia and decor in general. You all look around, taking in the stuff while you're handed menus and take your seats. You have Yoongi on your right and Jungkook on your left. He insisted he be by you. You couldn't help but feel sort of special.

"The deal with this was you have to all get American food," Yoongi reminds them.

"Yup!" They all nod and look at the menu.

"Really?" You ask him, sort of smiling.

"It's fun, usually we just eat Korean food. Or Japanese sometimes, rarely American actually. I dunno, I thought it'd be a nice change of pace. What are you getting?" He asks.

You look at the menu, deciding if you should get what you usually get or something new. You narrow it down to the mac and cheese, a burger, a salad. Wow, American food is so simple you think to yourself.

"Is the mac and cheese any good Y/N?" Taehyung asks. Jimin and Jungkook look at you with big, curious eyes.

"Yeah, I got it all the time growing up."

"I want that," Taehyung and the other two decide. You cross it off your list, too popular a choice. Not like it's a competition, but might want to be a bit original. Yoongi sighs, unable to decide.

"Salmon looks good," Namjoon nods.

"I'm getting fish and chips," Jin says.

"Burger," Yoongi decides.

You make a decision, "the bruschetta. My mom used to get it all the time. It's light."

The waiter comes and takes your order. You all get drinks too and then wait for food.

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