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Miok ushers you out of your classroom and out to a cab that she called.

"If you keep procrastinating on leaving, you're coincidentally procrastinating on finding the love of your life. C'mon Y/N," she says, pushing you into the cab. You sigh as she climbs in and gives the driver her address. Your drive there is fine and when you get out you take the elevator to Miok's level and place. Her place is only slightly better than yours, a newer built development. In the past five years she told you when you asked a while ago.

"Let's start! Go shower and then we can do makeup, hair, and outfits," she says, throwing you a towel and pushing you into her luxurious bathroom. You sigh and undress then hop into the warm stream of water. You finish, dry off, wrap the towel around your body, then step out.

"Okay, put this on for now, just so we don't get your actual outfit wet from your hair," she says, giving you some sweatpants and an old t-shirt. You change and she smiles. "Okay, I'm thinking something sort of sexy, but also sophisticated. Give them the idea that you're professional but ready to have some fun. Plus the club atmosphere will make you look extra sexy," Miok smiles. You nod along. She's not wrong, you think to yourself.

Miok goes on to do your hair, drying it first with a towel, then putting some fancy product in it to keep it protected from applied heat. She kicks up her hair dryer and begins her work. You and her chat pleasantly about school, your students, the city itself.

"Did you date people back in the States often?" She asks.

"Not seriously, but I went out with a handful of guys. Just dinner, maybe some drinks, movie or an activity sometimes."

"So nothing long term, just testing it out?"

"Yeah, basically," you admit.

"Were there any guys who you wish had stuck along?"

"Well no. I usually broke it off with them. Actually, all of them," you realize.

"Wow! Who knew Y/N could be such a heart breaker?!" She jokes. You roll your eyes but can't help but laugh. "Are there any ones that stuck out?"

You think for a moment. "Well, there was this one guy who was really great. His name was Tom. He had the cutest smile and the nicest personality."

"What made you kick him to the curb?"

You think about it for a long time. "Ah! I remember now. He didn't have goals in life. At least not realistic ones. Not that I like to crush dreams, I hate it in fact, but he had no real plans for his future. He wanted to be an artist and own a little vegan bistro. I liked him a lot, he wasn't even a vegan, but his whole family was and so he knew a lot of good recipes. But he didn't have the funds or real skills to do so. But he was polite and kind and creative and all around sweet guy otherwise."

"Wow, sounds like quite a catch, besides the future plans. So, you want someone with goals and a realistic future?"

"Yeah, I mean, I don't want to be supporting someone on my own. I like being powerful in a way, but I don't want to be the only breadwinner so to say."

"Fair. How about physical appearance? Anything that really gets you going or that you notice first?"

"I mean, a nice face is always good. But, no nothing really in particular."

"You're going to find someone good, Y/N. Just have to dig deeper than the surface. Which might turn guys off to you, but that's okay. That just makes it easier to find your guy," Miok encourages, as if you already got rejected by a hundred guys.

"Okay Miok," you laugh and she does too, realizing how she sounded. Your hair is done being dried and she starts to style it. She has both her flat iron and curler going.

"Are you planning on making me look like an idol?" You ask her.

"Well gosh, only if you want me to!"

"I want to look just a little more glamoured up. I can't set some standard that I'm this idol like catch. Just make me look nicer than I normally do."

"Alright. But know that if you did look like an idol, guys would fall at your feet."

"They will anyway. If we're going to a club they'll fall over pretty quick. Except they'll just be drunk and passed out but we can pretend it's because I'm so beautiful," you say. Miok howls with laughter and you can't help but join her. She first straightens your hair to take the frizz out then curls it a bit then loosens them to look natural and really pretty.

"Makeup time!" She sings, getting out her stuff. "I washed all the brushes and things so no worries."

She goes to town, working on her masterpiece. She asks you more questions about the type of guy you want while she works on you.

"Ideal style? Weight? Height?"

"I think it's nice when a guy isn't always in a sweatshirt and jeans. But I'm really cautious of suit guys. They usually, from my experience, only worry about work and as nice of a life I could live that way, I want someone that will actually be around. Not always at the office."

"That's sweet."

"Height and weight, I don't really have too much of a preference. I mean, if he were to have an idol body and be just tall enough that I have to stand on my tip toes to kiss him...that'd be nice..."

"Awww Y/N, you're so adorable. I think we'll find you someone. I know we will," she says, putting her finishing touches on you. "Now to the closet," she says, whisking you away to her big walk in closet. It's filled mostly with work outfits, formal things for teaching and bigger more important meetings and seminars, but she does have some cute and casual clothes for occasions like this.

"So sophisticated yet sexy...what gives that off...AH HA! This is perfect!" She says, taking out a matching pair of a black skirt and somehow darker top. It's neckline is low, so the sexy is in play there but the skirt is formal yet short. It even has some glitter on it, yet it's subtle.

You take it and go to put it on. It fits nicely and looks good with your hair and makeup. You show Miok who agrees with you.

"Now shoes. Heels probably," she says disappearing to retrieve a couple pairs. You select one of the three she comes back with. They're medium height, so you won't be too tall, but not super tiny either. They strap around your ankles too so they won't slip off but bind around your feet enough that they're comfortable so they won't be pinching you while you dance the night away.

"Ah, you look so good. Let me get changed and done up real quick then we can go," she grins and then gets ready quick. It takes her less than half the time it took to get you ready. She calls a cab that gets to the two of your in record time, less than five minutes. You climb in and she tells the driver to take you two to a good bar and club in the area. He obliges happily and takes off to the streets. 

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