Forty One

15 4 0

{A/N: my favorite chapter to write and read is this one. it's very important (and long) but don't worry, it's a good important}

"Y/N...Y/N~~~...Jaigya...Wake up princess..."

You stir from your sleep, pulling yourself from your dreamy state and the dilerion of unconsciousness. You sit up and rub your eyes, finally able to pry them open. Your eyes are assaulted with bright sunlight from outside, being poured into your room from the tall windows. You look around, still adjusting to the new day, taking in your surroundings. You're warm you recognize, sweaty almost. You pull away at the blankets, feeling the rush of the cold room temperature, at least compared to the sauna of the blankets. You look to your left and see the empty place where Yoongi was the previous night. You look to your right, and see him smiling. The sun hits his pale face just right, almost making him sparkle. He grins, his gummy smile appearing on his soft and clear face. It's contagious, and you can't help but reciprocate a smile, rubbing your eyes more. You're slightly in disbelief that you're seeing him so beautifully, but even after you rub your eyes and adjust more, you realize you're not dreaming or hallucinating.

"Sleep well?" He asks, standing now. All you can do is nod. He chuckles, "You must have been deep asleep, it took me a few tries to wake you up. You feeling okay?" You nod again. He touches his hand to your forehead and then to his. "Just making sure."

"Did you sleep well?" You ask, putting your arms up and stretching.

"Yes, I did."

"Good," you put your arms down and look up at him and smile dorkily. Yoongi grins his gummy smile and you get out of bed.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi asks, curious as to your plan.

"Not sure, but I'm getting bored of sitting around. Not that it's not fun!" You rebuttal, trying not to sound like you didn't have fun, having your back rubbed and being sung a lullaby. Yoongi smiles and nods.

"I get it. Let's go out today. Do something new. What's on your mind?" He asks.

You look out your window and see the outline of a large building. It looks like it's important but there's a lot of people going inside. You point and Yoongi follows your direction. "What's that?" You ask.

"An art museum..."


"You want to spend our day at an art museum?" Yoongi asks you, scrunching up his face, only slightly judging you. But more or less, he's confused by your idea.

"Yes." You nod, matter of factly. Yoongi checks your expression and nods after realizing you're not kidding. He sighs and nods.

"Alright, we can go. Let's eat first then we can."

The two of you rummage around your kitchen for food, settling on bread and butter, or more or less, buttered toast. You see him look at it as if looking for a flaw.

"What are you doing?" You ask quizzically.

"Nothing," he says, continuing. "How many kcal in this do you think?"

You look at him with wide eyes, "Why does it matter? Just eat, don't worry about it!"

"I've been being a pig recently."

"It's okay to eat, don't worry. Plus, I like your tummy," you say, grinning and rubbing his stomach area. He looks at you and smirks.

"I know. You wouldn't stop staring the other night."

You turn a bright red and then excuse yourself. You shower quickly and then change. Yoongi, still in his clothes from the previous day, stands by the door.

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