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{A/N: This chapter is very intense and may be triggering to some. Please proceed with caution and stop reading if you need it.}

"Y/N!" He cheers, happy to see you,

" did you find my apartment?" You ask, now quite worried.

"I ran into your teacher friend. I recognized her. She was actually at the same place we met, isn't that funny. She told me your address when I asked."

"Wha...okay well what are you doing here?" You ask.

"I wanted to see how you're doing. I'm sorry I never called."

You have no idea to respond. You'd totally forgotten about him, occupied with Yoongi. Who you love. And wish was here. You're scared. Why would he just show up with no warning out of nowhere? You try to read his expression. It's friendly, but there's an underlying emotion you can't decypher. You proceed with the conversation cautiously.

"My neighbor is quite cranky about me, how about we go back down. I need to go to bed soon, so I don't want to talk long..."

"Sure," he smiles. It's a bit devious you notice and that puts you on edge. You pray that he doesn't try anything and that you can get rid of him quickly. You walk down to the ground level and out to the street. You look quickly to see if there are any people nearby in case something does happen. No one. It makes you start to panic.

"This will be quick, I just have a question for you," he says facing you.


"I know it was a total jerk move to not call you. A fuckboy as you American's would call it. But I remembered how kind you were and genuine and it makes me want to get to know you more. Would you maybe like to go to dinner tomorrow?"

You look at him with wide eyes. Your heart rate increases rapidly, you feel yourself turning red and you start to shake. Oh god no, please don't be mad. Please don't be mad that I'm dating someone else. Please please please.

"Um, well, you see...I have a boyfriend..."

"Oh! How long have you been with him?"

"Few months now..."

"Are you two serious?"


"What does he do? Does he have a career?"

Oh god no I would probably get in trouble if I told him about BTS...


"He's a what? Can you not tell me? Or is he not employed?"

"No he is.'s just a new thing I guess. I'm not sure how to explain it." Please don't ask more questions just drop it. Please buy it please please please let me get out of here ack.

"Huh, well alright. Well, I think I'm probably better then some bum, but it's fine. I get it. You moved on. Fine."

You look at Hyunwoo with wide eyes and he looks at you with a curious and smirky smile.

"What? Cat got your tongue? Realizing I'm the better option?"


"You're getting defensive hehe. You're cute you know that Y/N?"

"Stop, can you please just leave? I need to go to bed."

"Why? You don't have work."

"I have a schedule I like to stick to."

"It's almost midnight. What schedule are you talking about?"

"Just get out of here please."

"Aw, you're all cute when you get annoyed."

"Please, Hyunwoo, just leave. I've moved on."

"You having to say that makes me think otherwise."

"You won't leave, what else am I supposed to say?!"

"How about I come back up and show you that I'm better than that guy you're with. I'm rich, I'm quite good looking, and I won't keep you out late."

"Go away for the love of god!" You shriek, trying to get back inside but he grabs your hand. You freeze when he does and muffle a harsh scream.

"Aw don't struggle, c'mon now."

"Leave me alone or I'll scream."

"I'll just push you inside," he smirks then leans close and whispers, "Then after that, I'll push inside of you."

You try to scream for help but you're muffled by his hand over your mouth. He pushes you inside and up to your apartment door. Oh god no this can't be happening. Please, someone stop him. I can't fight against him.

"Open the door."

"I can't..."

"Yes you can don't be a brat."

"No I can't."

"Stop that act. Just open the door."

"I can't..."



"I'll grab it for you," he whispers in your ear and then reaches for your pockets. You feel him slowly grab your butt and your whimper in fear. He takes that as a whimper of lust and he chuckles. He retrieves your key and opens the door. He rushes you inside and closes the door. You start to panic as he walks towards you. You reach for your phone discreetly and try to unlock it before he gets to you. You glance slightly to make sure you're hitting the call button.

"Where's your bedroom?" Hyunwoo asks. You can't respond, but you do hear a beep of the phone ringing. Good. Hyunwoo hears it too and his eyes set ablaze. Not good.


You don't respond, which he doesn't care about. He rips the phone from you and looks at the dial. It's just a number, but you know who's it is. Jimin. He looks at it for a minute, then to you.

"No use trying to call them," he chuckles, ending the call.

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