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He takes you there quickly and you go to your place. One of your neighbors is out of her apartment in the hallway. She looks angry and like she might yell.

"Is something wrong?" You ask her overly politely.

"Yes. There was some rowdy boy knocking on all of our doors this afternoon. I got fed up with him and told him to leave, he was disrupting our quiet living here. He asked if I knew you and I told him to get lost. He muttered some really inappropriate curses under his breath. He should respect his elders. Anyway, just thought I'd let you know," she scoffs then goes inside.

"Wait!" You shout before the door closes. She steps back out.

"What?" She spits.

"What did he look like? Did he have a sort of puffy face or pale skin?"

She gives you a judgmental look. She looks you up and down and crosses her arms, "What, are you some sort of prostitute? Is he your client? Do you owe him something. If you cause more disruptions here, I'll get you kicked out of here for being a nuisance. But he had very pale skin yes. If I ever see him around, I'll call the cops."

"I'm not a prostitute!" You exclaim. She scoffs again and then goes inside. You feel really hurt, but not too much to wipe away the feeling of excitement. Yoongi came by! You run inside and call Miok.

"What?" She asks.

"Yoongi came by today. My neighbors are made because he knocked on everyone's door but he came by!"

"Awwww! That's sweet of him. Sad you missed him though."

"But it's promising, he cared enough to come back. I wonder if Jin said anything to make him do it or if he did it on his own...?"

"Either way, it's a step in the right direction. I have to go but we'll talk more later. Text me if something else develops," she says then hangs up. You get to work, but can't focus on your new lesson plans and grading. You start to watch TV, but on the American channel you found. It's playing older episodes of "Friends" but you don't care. It's nice to watch something you can just zone out on and not have to translate a lot in your head. While you're Korean is getting better, it makes it easier for you when you can just let go all the focus and have to worry only about English. The night progresses but Yoongi doesn't come by again. It gets late and you realize you haven't eaten, you were so fixated on the show. You have no willpower to make something so you suck it up and go downstairs to get something from a convenience store down the block. You grab your key, wallet, and a sweatshirt and head out. You walk down the street and get a cup of ramen, pay for it, make it and head home as you eat it. Probably not the most attractive, but who's going to really see you.

Just as you finish that thought, you stop dead in your tracks. Yoongi is at your apartment, looking up at it. He doesn't notice you, he's too far into his thoughts to pay attention to his surroundings much. You approach him and stand next to him for a couple brief moments. He still says nothing, so you slurp a couple noodles and he jerks his head towards you.

"Could you plea.....oh! OH! Hi, Y/N," he blushes.

"Hi. What are you doing here?" You ask, facing him now.

"Oh I was just walking by. I couldn't remember if this was your building and I was trying to figure it out," he stammers.

"Well, my neighbor must have lied."


"She said a pale skinned boy was knocking on all the doors of our building, trying to find me. She claimed I was a prostitute and owed you money. She got mad and threatened to get me kicked out bu...."

"She said all that?!" He shouts. You look at him with surprise.

"Well, she was just frustrated, I didn't take any of it to heart."

"That's so disrespectful though. How rude of her," he grumbles, clearly personally upset by this.

"It's really no problem," you start, "but um Yoongi..."

"Yeah?" He asks, making eye contact, his pretty eyes locked on you in a gentle way.

"I was just wondering...ummm...why did you come by earlier anyway?"

"Oh," he rubs the back of his neck, "I just wanted to say hi. Jin hyung, he said he met you the other day. Said you ummm...seemed kind of excited when he said he knew me..."

"Well, I didn't get to give you my number," you blush, "so I thought maybe...he'd be a way to get to talk to you."

Yoongi's pale face turns a bright pink and he breaks eye contact and stares at the ground. He kicks his feet and you can see him try to cover up a smile to accompany the blushing. You're blushing too, proud of your successful flirting.

"Is that all your dinner is?" He finally asks.

"Huh? Oh yeah, it got late, so I figured it'd just grab something instead of waste the time to make something at home."

"Seems sort of like a sad meal. Typically only students feast on food like that."

"I don't mind. I ate ramen a lot growing up. I like it."

"Really?" he asks, his face scrunched up.

"Well yeah, it was cheap and I liked the different flavors. Chicken was my favorite but my second was the beef."

"Real ramen is better."

"I haven't had any while I've been here."

"What?! A year and a half and you haven't had real ramen? What's wrong with you Y/N! I'll have to treat you sometime, show you the real food."

"Oh? But I thought I owed you for walking me home?" You tilt your head.

"But I owe you for not calling."

"I never gave you my number, so you couldn't."

"I should have asked."

"I should have insisted."

"I should have come by sooner and that's how we're leaving it. Tomorrow night, ramen, I'll meet you here after school," he grins. You are stunned but nod quickly.

"O...o...okay. Okay, tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow," you smile.

"Tomorrow it is," Yoongi returns the smile. "Goodnight, Y/N."

"Goodnight Yoongi," you say, going inside. You hurry up and eat then go right to bed, wanting tomorrow night to come ASAP.

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