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The next morning you realize you slept through your alarms and have only a few minutes before you need to leave. You rush to brush your teeth and get dressed, deciding you'll do your hair in the cab, likely just pulling it up into a bun of sorts. You don't even bother to grab something to eat, you just grab your things and rush out the door and down to the street. As you do, you don't pay much attention and run smack into a boy walking by.

"I'm sorry!" You profusely apologize. He looks at you and then grabs your papers that are flying away. You start to panic as you watch him run off in pursuit of the materials, time flying by as well. He is successful and hands them to you.

"It's alright, here you go," he politely bows. You do in return, taking your things and getting into a cab. As you rush off to work you think about the boy. Really, he wasn't a boy at all, he was a young man. He was cute too, you admit to yourself. He has really captivating eyes, a sort of dark chocolate brown. His smile was really cute too, his gums even showed, which made him look sort of childish. His skin was really really pale though, almost like snow or milk. Sugar even. You rush into the school, putting your thoughts about the boy out of your mind. You rush up to your room and make it just in time. Your students notice you're a bit frazzled, but you don't let it distract them or yourself. You begin teaching your lessons and the students do as they're told.

"You are to write me one paragraph, five to six sentences, using our vocabulary and the grammar we've been working with. Creativity is encouraged, but keep it appropriate. If I deem it not fit for school, you will receive no credit. Go to work," you assign and they get busy. Some chat while they write, which you have no problems with. Your philosophy with the advanced students is, they deserve a little slack in the social department. As long as they get their work done well and on time, you have no issues with a little chatter.

The day goes on and Miok is the one who comes into your room at the end of the day. She stands in the threshold and talks at you while you put your things away, more neatly this time so you don't have a redo of what happened this morning.

"You got here late," Miok says, "Why was that?"

"I slept in by accident, that's all."

"That's unlike you. But I guess accidents happen."

"Yeah..." You trail off. You don't mention the boy and running into him, but it's not that big of a deal, not like anything really happened. You two leave going your separate ways. You decide to just go home today, can't have too much fun. Your cab drops you off and you head up to your apartment when you swear you see the boy again out of the corner of your eye. You can't help but look and your assumption is correct, it is him. He's sitting against the wall of a building.

Is he homeless? You wonder. He doesn't look like it, but what would he be doing just sitting there. Should I go talk to him? What would I say? Would he even register that it's me? What if it isn't him, that'd be even worse. You're just about to walk up when he sees you.

"Hey!" He shouts at you. His voice is deep, which for some reason catches you off guard. You look at him and slowly approach him. He rises and faces you, "Are you okay? I didn't get to ask."

"Oh! Yes, thank you."

"You just ran into me pretty hard, I figured it must have hurt a little bit."

"No, really it's alright, just was in a rush. Sorry again, you didn't have to chase the papers."

"You were in a rush, didn't hurt me to help someone. Just consider it a favor," he smiles, his gums revealing again.

"Oh do I owe you now then?" You ask playfully but then regret it instantly. Why are you flirting?! He's just being nice and making sure you're okay, he didn't even give the slightest bit of a hint he's into you! Damn Y/N, why are you so awkward?! He laughs which confuses you.

"I suppose you do then huh? How about a drink?" He suggests.

"Oh, okay. I suppose I can do that," you say.

"Go upstairs and put your stuff down. Don't want to risk a recap of earlier today. Then you'd owe me again."

You rush upstairs and set your things down. You change into something a bit more casual and not so professional, but still nicer, then hurry back down to him.

"Off we go," he gestures for you to lead.

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