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"So you finally got his number," Miok chides you.

"Don't give me that attitude, Miok."

"What attitude?" She jokes back. You roll your eyes and finish your food then sit back and wait as she does.

"Are you going to call him?" She asks.

"I'd rather text first."

"You know what I mean. It went so well, you might as well."

"I plan to."

"I'm happy for you," Miok nods genuinely, "Finally, a worthwhile guy. He seems so nice and genuine. I approve," she grins and you do to.

"Thanks, Miok."

 You head to your class and go about your day. Your students work on their essays, asking for help and you are happy to assist. Some of the students ask you if they're on track to get an A.

"Looks like it. As long as it's in line with the general guidelines, I will grade fairly. This assignment is much more subjective than some of our others," you say to all the kids. They nod and continue working. You realize all your work is done, so you take out your phone.

Should I text Yoongi? You ask yourself. You debate and then decide you should. Worst he can do is not respond, but honestly, that doesn't seem likely.


It seems so plain when you look at it. But what else are you supposed to say? You send it and put your phone away then start to check your email. You hear it buzz in your drawer but you resist the urge to take it out. It buzzes again. You still resist the urge. It does one more time.

"Seongsaengnim...your phone is buzzing..." One of your students pipes up. You nod.

"Thank you." You retrieve the phone and check the messages.

<<Hi Y/N.>>

<<Wait aren't you in school?>>

<<Is it a standard to text in school in America?>>

<<You American's are odd.>>

You sigh, couldn't he have said that all in one text?  You respond to him with:

<<It's common. And yes I am in school, but I have nothing to do.>>

He responds quickly.

<<Teach maybe?>>

<<My students are working on their essays>>

<<How about grading?>>

<<I'm all caught up.>>

<<Shall I come entertain you while the children slave away?>>

<<I think that may be be a distraction>>

<<Ah, maybe next time. Got to go, we're having a meeting.>>

You smile at the short exchange and then return your phone to your desk after putting it on silent. You're classes go by smoothly, few issues. Many ask for help after class on their essays so you stay late to make sure they're happy with what they have. You pack up and check your phone.

<<I have returned>>

<<Did you die?>>

<<How unfortunate. Death by honors students.>>

<<In my opinion, you deserved a much more glamorous death.>>

<<Let this be a lesson to all English teachers.>>

<<Never assign essays>>

<<Or you'll be put to death.>>

<<You will be missed Y/N>>

You laugh out loud at the messages and respond with:

<<Thank you for that lovely eulogy. My ghost is quite pleased>>


<<Yoongi lol>>

<<Aren't I the funniest. Are you busy tonight?>>

<<No, can't say I am. Why?>>

<<I'd like to spend time with you. I have something to show you...>>

<<Oh? Alright, where do you want to meet?>>

<<I'm craving something to drink. Coffee okay with you?>>

<<Sounds like a plan. Same place as before?>>

<<Yup :)>>

You rush home to change and put your stuff down before taking a cab to the coffee place. 

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