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"Did that Hyunwoo ever contact you?" Miok asks one day at lunch.

"No," you sigh defeated.

"Not worth waiting for, time to move on," Miok says definitely. You sigh, but she's right.

"I don't like club guys," you admit.

"But you liked him..." She starts, confused by your admission.

"But in hindsight, he's like every other guy, just wants to take you home then never talk to you again."

"Hmm. He seemed different," she shrugs. You thought so too.

You go about your day and while you're leaving, you decide to change up your routine and go to a coffee shop to grade papers and plan your upcoming lessons. You always go home after, but for some reason, a change of pace seems right.

You swing by a nearby place and set up at a table next to a tall window. You order a simple coffee and take it to your table and start working. You look over your student's worksheets and grade them on their work and if they understand the material. You've been lucky enough to get the smarter students and so their work is almost always done right and done exceptionally well. Many of your students are highly motivated as well and ask for extra help when they don't understand. You even have a couple who have talked to you in near fluent English. You're proud of how hard they work and feel good about rewarding them with the grades they deserve. You take a break from grading to look over ideal lesson plans and fine tune a few for upcoming classes. With such advanced students, you have to plan very precisely so that they learn what they want and need to.

About two hours go by and you've finally finished your drink. You debate about getting another but decide that getting something to eat would be smarter, as the caffeine doesn't sit well with an empty stomach. You go up to the counter and order a small cake slice. The barista gives it to you, you pay, and then return to your seat. You nibble as you continue to work. Another hour or so goes by and the food is gone. A buss boy comes by and offers to take the plate, which you let him with a thank you. He is happy to do so and goes on with his job. It darkens outside just as you finish your work so you head home.

You take a cab again and when you're inside you collapse onto your couch and turn on your TV. After a long day, you think to yourself, I deserve some relaxation. I've been working really hard. You watch a drama program that Miok actually suggested a few weeks back and you're happy to have watched it. You find yourself dozing off so you turn it off and go to lay down. 

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