Chapter 8

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Expose yourself to your deepest fear. After that, fear has no power, you are free.

Winters P.O.V.

Last night, I let Joshua into my head, he saw everything that I went through. And he's the first person I've let see everything. My own parents have no idea about everything.

I pulled away from him and looked in his eyes. I saw every emotion there is but what I saw most of all, was Anger and confusion.

He saw everything, even the parts my family didn't see. After I pulled away from him, I fainted. I've only ever done that once before and that was with Rox, it took so much out of me and all my energy was drained and it makes me faint.

I opened my eyes and found beautiful green eyes looking back at me. From the looks of it, he's been up for a while, I look past him and at the clock on the wall and see that it's only 6 in the morning. "How long have you been up?" I ask with a concern.

Did he not go to sleep last night?

"I woke about thirty minutes ago, just watching you" I cock my eyebrow at him and he chuckles, "Not like that, just making sure your alright" I just nod my head and sit up in the bed.

"Can I ask you something?" He asks sitting up after me, I nod my head towards him telling him to continue.

"Jordan told me it was just him, there were two other men beating on you as well, what happen to them?" I knew that question was coming, I kinda have a feeling that, that's what woke him so early.

"The night I was stabbed, it forced my link to my pack and family open. They saw what happen and some of the previous things but when I fainted because of the blood loss, it cut the link and it stopped everyone from seeing everything else. They were his brothers, at times when he thought I wasn't crying enough or begging for him to stop, he would call his brothers to 'teach me a lesson' as he would say. As for where they are now, I have no idea. I know that they went rogue after their brother was killed"

He's suddenly grabs my face and makes me look him in the eyes, "You are so strong Winter, I'm so proud to call you my mate and I'm very proud to be your mate, you do not need to be afraid of me my love. My brothers and I have been taught to treat all women with the same amount of respect as we do the men. You give a woman something and she'll make it 10x better. You give a woman a house, she will make it a home. You give her groceries, she'll make you a meal. You give her kindness and love, she'll give you her heart. I don't think anyone realizes the care and love a woman deserves. You women are amazing. And some of you don't even realize how amazing you are. Like you, you've been through so much yet you still show and give love to those around you. You are truly and amazing woman and I'm glad to call you mine and I am honored to be yours" by the end, I was completely sobbing. But it wasn't sad tears, it was happy tears, I opened my heart again for the first time in years and gave it to someone else and now I feel at peace with my life and I'm ready to move on. It's going to take time but I feel myself healing, finally.

I whiped the tears off my cheeks and then wrapped my arms around his neck and straddled him. Then I kissed him, it was soft and passionate, letting him know that I will try to trust him, and fully open myself to him.

After a while, we both pulled back and looked at each other, "Give me time, I'm trying my hardest to trust you, it's going to take time but please believe me, I'm trying" he leans in and pecks my lips again, "Take all the time you need Flower, I will always be here, now let's go eat, we both have training in an hour"

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