Chapter 16

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I got you.

Winters P.O.V.

I literally can't do anything without him here. "I felt your emotions Winter and got worried so I came here and I see you touching on another man. What the fuck was that?"

I look to the twins and to Rox as a sign for them to walk away then I turn back to him, "Joshua, go home. We will talk about it there ok. Call a emergency meeting"

"We ran here" I roll my eyes in annoyance. "Fine. Give me a second" I walk away from him and back to Dylan and Eli. "We will keep in contact ok. We have to go" I say hugging her and walking off to my car.

We get in and ride in silence. "So what was that Winter?" Joshua says braking the silence.

I sigh in frustration, "I was getting information about the treaty meeting Saturday Joshua"

"And that causes you to be touching on another man? Cut the bullshit Winter" he says which makes me stop the car.

"Oh shit" I hear Rox whisper form the backseat.

"If you would just shut the fuck up and listen then you would know why I was touching someone else and if you would have payed attention you would see that he is a mated male. You should have just stayed your ass at home instead of bothering me, knowing I don't like your ass right now. I was out handling pack business. Doesn't feel good being excluded from it does it? Now leave me alone and call for the fucking meeting" He doesn't say anything so I look at Rox through the mirror and watch her eyes glaze over and I hear her call for the meeting through the link.

We get to the house and go straight into the meeting room where everyone is waiting. We all take our seats and I get the meeting started.

"I know it's late and I apologize but this meeting is important. The Blue Crest pack is planing to attack our pack and my home pack the night of the meeting. Their new Alpha is power hungry and is threatening children to get everyone to fall in line"

"Where did you hear this?" Alejandro asks. "One of my friends that I grew up with told me. She swore her loyalty to me years ago and I trust her. Her mate Eli gave me all the information that I need to know how to take them out and how many people are involved"

"And you think he's telling the truth? How do you know he's not trying to set us up?" Joshua asks. I don't say anything I just close my eyes and let everyone in my head to see what I saw.

Once done everyone just stares at me with shocked faces, all except Rox that is. She knows what I can do.

"How? How did you do that?" Joshua asks.

"Everyone knows that a pure white wolf is very rare. Theirs only been one seen in the last 20 years. There's only one in the world and I know you all know it's me. Being a white wolf comes with special abilities. I can go through anyone's mind and see what they have. I heal faster than a normal wolf, I can tell when someone is lying among other things. Now, the plan stays the same. Joshua, Damien, Rox and I are going to take care of the Alphas and Betas. Anyone who harms anyone of us dies. Anyone who was forced to attack gets put into a cell until I can talk with them. Once the Alpha has been taken down, I will assign a new one for that pack, someone that will keep the peace. If I can get close enough to the Alpha before he gives a signal to attack, I can stop it from happening. Everyone understand?" I ask looking around at everybody, "Any questions?" No one says anything. "Good, now go back to bed and get some rest. Training in the morning" and with that I get up with Rox behind me and head out of the room and to the kitchen. I'm starving.

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