Chapter 35

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What did I do?

Joshua's P.O.V.

Opening my eyes, I see the sun shining through the windows. I didn't meant to sleep in here, I just thought that we both needed a little space.

For the life of me, I can't get that look of Winter's eyes out of my head. There was no love, no life, nothing in them.


I don't get what's the big deal. I'm trying to save our daughters life's, not send them to their deaths. It's different with sons because they have the man power to be able to handle all of that.

Shaking my head, I get up and head into our room but only to find it empty. The bed is made and theres no sign of Winter. Her phone is gone and so is her car keys.

I walk to the bed to sit down but stop when I see a note on my side of the room,

    Be back later


I can only think of one place that she'll go and that's back to the Black Knight Pack, I can't go looking for her right now because I have pack business to handle.

Going into my closet, I get dressed and head out. Noticing that everyone is awake and doing what they want like they're in their free time.

I take a look at my watch and see it's twelve in the afternoon.

"Hey, where you been all morning? You missed training, and patrol" Jack says walking up to me. "Who lead everything?" I ask rubbing the back of my head. "Winter. She did everything with us then left and said she'll be back in a while. She's got Embry and Quil with her though cause they came over to help with training today" he said raising and eyebrow at me.

I can't believe she didn't wake me up. She always does and whenever I fall asleep on the couch, she helps me to the bed.

"You know where they went?" I ask pulling out my phone getting ready to call her. "Nah, she just said she'll be back by dinner" he says shrugging his shoulders and walking off to Lola.

Calling Winter's phone, it goes straight to voicemail which throws me off. Then I try mind linking her but it just sends a sharp pain to my head.

Cole, have you talked to them?

I ask, as I'm walking to my office to find out where she went. I don't need for her to be pulling these MIA games on me right now and especially not while she's pregnant with twins.

I talked to Storm last night and she was pretty pissed at us, both her and Winter. They think that we're sexiest because of the shit you said last night dumb ass. Look, I get that your worried that if their girls and if they get challenged that they will lose, but look at who their mom is. Have you ever seen Winter lose? Have you ever seen her run from a fight? Have you not seen how she trains? Have you not been paying attention to her at all? Winter is one of the strongest wolves I've ever seen and yet you keep going on and on about how your the Alpha. Bro she's your Luna. Respect goes both ways and right now, they have no respect for you and neither do I 

And with that, he cuts the link between us, leaving me dumbfounded. He's never gone off on me like that.

On the way there, I pass my parents room which causes me to turn around and knock. Moments later I hear my mother say to come in and I see her and my father sitting in their living area, watching tv, cuddled up together. I go and sit on the couch next to them with my head in my hands. "If you had Sybil first, would you have let her be Alpha?" I ask looking at them both.

"Yes" they both say at the same time. "You wouldn't have been worried if someone had challenged her how I was challenged? A fight to the death?"

"Of course we would but have we ever taught you or your brothers or Sybil to run from a fight? We have faith in all of you that you will make it out of anything. If Sybil would have been born first, she would have gotten the same training you and Damien got. Just because she's a female, doesn't mean she wouldn't be capable of leading a pack, I mean look at your sister. Last in line to be Alpha and she's the Luna of one of the strongest packs in this world, next to ours. Look at Winter. She was last in line to her fathers throne and now look at her, she's Luna and she's doing a damn good job at it. Leading a pack this size in training this morning and she's pregnant with twins. I'm proud to call her my Luna" My dad says with pride.

"And you do know that one of your closest friends outside of the pack is Luna of one of the strongest packs in India, hell her mate is Alpha and she's a female as well and their doing a damn good job at it " my mom says shaking her head at me.

"What happen?" My mom asks sitting up and facing me. Sighing, I tell her everything that was said last night and once I was finished. She looked at me with udder disgust. "I don't even know who you are" she says shaking her head at me then kisses my father on the cheek. "I'm going to visit my daughter and hopefully, I will see my other daughter over there. I'll be home by dinner my love" he nods his head and kisses her on the lips. As she's leaving, she doesn't even spare me a glance.

My father then moves closer to me and crosses his arms over his chest. "Have you tried to contact her?"

"Yes, her phone keeps sending me to voicemail and when I try to link her I get a sharp pain to my head, she's cut the link somehow" I say rubbing the back of my neck with frustration.

"Can you feel her emotions?" I shake my head no then I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

Moments later I get a hard ass punch to my chest which causes me to lose my breath.

"Ah fuck, what the hell was that for" I say standing up, rubbing my chest. "What you gone do about it?" My dad says standing up and getting in my face. Shaking my head, I put my hands up and back away from him. I'm not that stupid to challenge my father.

I'm to young to die.

"You gone get punched every time I see you until you fix this shit. I ain't raise you like this and you fucking know it. I don't know where you got this shit from but imma need you get rid of it. Now get the fuck out my room before I punch you again. Imma go see my daughters" he says walking past me but not without bumping into me.

Taking out my phone, I try to call Winter again but it goes straight to voicemail.

"Chris!" I call to him as I see him walking down the hall. He turns around and walks towards me, "Yes brother?"

"Can you call Winter on your phone right quick?" He just nods and calls her.

"Speaker" I say to him and he just shakes his head but puts it in speaker.

Hey Chris? Everything okay?

Her beautiful voice says through the phone. "Yea, where are you guys?" He asks looking at me.

Chris, you know you got me on FaceTime and I see you looking at someone. I'll be home by dinner

And with that, she hung up the phone.

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