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Cursing him in every language I know, I whisper back, "I'll ride it out, Chief Darhk" hoping that some God upstairs loves me enough to save me from fainting. Who am I kidding? Nobody can love you that much.

Removing his shoes and getting himself comfortably positioned on the bed, he says, "Well, what are you waiting for? You call them out in order, count and perform. I'm merely here to check whether you can remember or not"

So, except pointing out mistakes and riding my ass some more, you have no work Chief. Roger that!

Getting in push-up position, I call out, "250 push-ups alternating between wide and narrow shoulder, Chief Darhk"

Keeping my arms shoulder width apart, I do the first push-up and then lifting them a little wider, I do another before going back to shoulder width apart stance while counting loud enough for Chief Darhk to hear.

Meanwhile, Chief Darhk has showered, stowed his luggage and is ready to watch me with his eagle eyes.

"250 one-armed push-ups- first half with left hand and second half with right, Chief Darhk"

These were counted by Chief slowly with up and down commands ensuring that the down time is long enough to make a nun curse. When I feel like groaning in pain each time I go down and have to stay there, there are only a few left. Few I could complete without waking anybody up.

"250 push-ups with a clap in between, Chief Darhk"

These counts were left to me and I tried to push them in rapid sets of 10 with a break in between. I'm too proud with my work to not brag about being able to complete them without falling face-first even once.

"250 push-ups with head-rolls, Chief Darhk" It is only when I say that I realise my predicament. There is not enough space for my long frame to do a head roll and be left with some space to do push –ups. I'll have to do a push-up lying parallel to Chief's bed, crawl towards my feet on my fours, face the wall, do a head roll ahead, crawl on my fours again to the push-up position parallel to his bed across the room, push again and repeat. This is going to suck. This adds another unnecessary exercise to my count.

Silently, I complete the counts. However, each time I have to crawl, I'm mentally cursing my boys. They better be well slept for tomorrow.

Spent, I mumble, "250 push-ups with the bell, Chief Darhk" Oh boy, there is no bell here. I'm either saved from pushing hard or screwed for not having a bell. I look up to Chief Darhk and see his evil smirk. I'm definitely screwed.

With a firm order of hold up, Chief Darhk opens his closet and pulls out the same office bell which had become my buddy three days ago. It is one of those conventional push bells where you press your palm at the top and a ding is heard.

Putting the same under my chest, he motions for me to continue with the smirk still intact. You see, if the bell rings loud and clear, the push-up is counted, if not, I do it again. I have to keep the actual count in my head and inform when the 250 are done. Chief Darhk loves to torture me with this.

Taking a deep breath, I start the push-ups. I know he would make me push atleast 350 push-ups before he approves 250. And as expected, he delivers.

After catching my breath, I say, "250 dumb bell press on the incline, Chief Darhk"

With Chief Darhk walking ahead, I follow him to the gym, where I'm sure I'll be spending the rest of the night. Getting on the inclined bench and picking up the dumb bells, I start the count.

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