Schedule 5

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It's not a very good sight to see your man sweat as a punishment for breaking rules for you.
But here I was, standing at the terrace, looking at the gathering in football field.

When Killer walked out in front, I wasn't much surprised. He must have been a reference or something. They can't just leave him peacefully when others are getting screwed at this land.

But hats off to this girl - Kyra. She is like a rabbit! Running and moving and turning quickly. Though I'm super impressed with her, I'm a little jealous too. But mostly, I'm scared - Killer will now have something to say and get my ass on fire - That girl could do it, so can you.
Thanks for that, Kyra.

And what happened to Officer Roshesh? He came in wobbly and he is barely moving while others around him are on their toes.
I know he is one great athlete and this is definitely not his best.
I hope he is well. Ren will be dead if he performs poor due to some medical reason.

And lastly, there he is. My man. Our eyes had a conversation on the dining table when we sat across. His face was a little pale and he looked anxious. He wasn't exactly looking at me, but was also feeling guilty to ignore me, so he kept stealing glances.

Everytime we looked at each other for a few seconds, he would check Uncle next, whether he was caught red handed or not. Cute much.

And now he is doing his best to win Uncle's respect back. He'll do it, I know. And I also know Uncle. The fact that he is here, doing something he was never meant to do, working out with people of high grade physical training - that's enough for Uncle to know that the person is really making up for his mistakes.

Just hold on Martins, finish this schedule somehow, and he'll pat on your back.



With Instructor Kelly's whistle, our break is over and the second part of the damned schedule starts. I can already feel each sore muscle in my body so I have no doubt about Kyra or Dr. Bones's condition. They would be cursing the day they were born.

I push myself to bring every last of my reserve out. There is no way I can afford to earn any more extras.

"30 second planks. 10 minutes. Go" Yup! The level has just been raised and this is where we start.

On Stop, I groan out "15" knowing this isn't my best and if Colonel decides, I'll be paying hell for it.

"10" "14" are heard from the duo. She is really catching up and throwing me in the flames. Damn it!!

Colonel starts circling around me without a word and my ass is lit. Now, no God can save me.

"30 second wall sits. 5 minutes. Go" He says pointing to the trees. Those barks are going to be imprinted on our backs. After a minute of circling on me, Colonel walks away giving my heart some relief. I know I can't dare relax or go slow even though my thighs are shivering like they have hypothermia.

At stop, I nearly cry out "9". I am going to be remembering this one tomorrow morning.

With "5", I'm impressed with Dr. Bones. I didn't think he would have that many in him.

However, a meek "4" takes all my strength to not turn towards her and stare. How? She did a thousand squats without a sweat and had no problem in suicides. Father is going to kick her out. Shit!

"Cadet, you are out." Poor girl, she was going so good.

"Sir, please, one more chance. I'm weak in it but I'll try my best. Please sir" Colonel says nothing but I can hear him circling her. Don't sweat it, girl. If he hasn't said a no by now, it means he is going to say yes. Except it will be with a very heavy payment.

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