아홉 - नऊ

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"I-I will keep secret." Jungkook said.

"You will?" Gauravi turned around with hopefulness in her eyes.

''But- you tell me everything." He complete the sentence which made her groan again.

"Jungkook, honey didn't you get what I just said? You understand english right? What am I even asking? Of course you do." She said chuckling bitterly and looked up to see Jungkook completely ignoring her and munching on chips again. "Give me that chip packet!" She snatched the packet from his hands but it was snatched right back.

"What the-? Jungkook!" But he just ignored her. "Seriously? Jungkook, are you listening to me? JUNGKOOK!" He just looked up at her and then went back to chips again. "Oh, come on now! You can't do this right now!" She exasperated but still no response. She stared at him for like two minutes, cursing and then let a huge sigh. "Okay. jeez! You have a deal. I will try to tell you every cool thing I do." She said with a sarcastic smile on her face but later it turned to genuine when she saw how Jungkook's face lit up.

"Okay. Call." Jungkook grinned putting out his hand for shake. Rolling her eyes she took his hand and gave it a firm shake.

"Now go back to your dorm and get some rest and stop snacking on this junk food, it's not good for your health." She snatched the packet, this time not letting him snatch it back.

"But- but I'm hungry." He pouted.

"Then eat some real food." Gauravi said while munching on what was left in the packet. "Hmmm. These taste good. What?" She asked when she saw angry bunny glaring at her. "You don't wanna get sick eating this, they are oily. Your fans would get worried if their oppa gets sick."

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Jungkook suddenly shouted standing up, making Gauravi look up in shock.

"Jeez, calm do-"

"Wae? Wae? Jungkook? Are you-" The door was suddenly slammed open. Yoongi stood worried at door ready to fight anyone who had hurt his innocent maknae. "Neo! (You!)" Yoongi snarled when he saw Gauravi, pointing his finger at her.

"Me?" Gauravi asked pointing herself in confusion. Yoongi looked at Jungkook who also stood confused, his innocent eyes formed two o's. Yoongi's eyes soften looking at him but again narrowed as he stomped towards and stood in front of him facing Gauravi, trying to protect him from the byuntae (pervert). It was quite funny to look at with all body size and muscle difference.

"What do you think you are doing?" He asked in english glaring at her and turned towards Jungkook, asking in korean. "What did she do? Did she harass you? Just tell me, hyung will report her, we will fire her, file a case against her for harassment. Byantae like her deserves to be in jail." He blabbered checking to see if Jungkook was alright.

"E-excuse me?" Gauravi chuckled in disbelief.

"You are excused." Yoongi said glaring at her again. "Jungkook, tell hyung what this manyeo (witch) did to you?"

"Look Mr. Yoongi-"

"I'm not talking to you." Yoongi said. What th- Gauravi seriously wanted to cursed at top of her lungs or really wanted to punch something. When she was hired, she did not sign up for this. This, whatever that was happening were extra curricular activities which were not needed at all.

"Hyung, ani, ani (no, no) this is not what you are thinking. Noona didn't do anything she-"

"Kookie you don't have to be afraid, hyung is here. Hyung will protect you." Yoongi said again cutting of Jungkook.

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