예순 셋 - त्रेसष्ट

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Her phone has been buzzing since she walked out of the company's building. She knew who it was, no matter how much she wanted to receive it and answer his call, she couldn't because she knew how it is going to turn out. It's better this way. She thought and put on a fake smile while walking towards Ben who was waving his hand. Ha Joon stood beside him holding his bags. 

"Took you long enough. I thought you wouldn't come until I board the plane." Ben retorted walking towards her and throwing his arms around her.

"Sorry, I got stuck in work." Gauravi whispered rounding her own arms around his waist. "Did you pack everything alright? I don't want you calling me saying that you left something behind." Gauravi said pulling back.

"Well, I am leaving my boyfriend behind." Ben said winking at Ha Joon who blushed and looked away. Gauravi rolled her eyes huffing. "Yes, I have packed everything alright. But that's not important. You, better take care of yourself. Don't go around eating junk. Eat healthy food. Don't drink coffee at night. Better yet don't drink coffee at all. And get some sleep okay?" Ben said holding her shoulder while she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry mom." She nodded her head.

 "Seriously babe I know how you are, so listen to me and don't make us worry okay? Don't do anything stupid okay? Don't trouble your boyfriend or else he'll run away." She stiffened hearing the word boyfriend. "What? What happened?" Ben questioned noticing her odd reaction. 

"Huh? What? Nothing happened." Gauravi quickly replied averted her eyes. "Joon did  you spent enough time with your boyfriend?" She tried changing the topic. Ha Joon furrowed his eyebrows at her odd behaviour. This wasn't her from what he knew.

"Gaura, something happened, didn't it?" Ben questioned grabbing her wrist and turning her so she was facing him.

"Nothing happened Ben you are just a worrywart that's all." She denied pulling his fingers from her wrist. "Look it's time to go now." She pushed him around towards the line that was forming.

"Wha-Gaura-hey!" Ben protested digging his heels in ground but she was stronger. She gave pleading eyes to Ha Joon who hesitantly nodded and grabbed Ben hand and intertwined their fingers together. "Joon?" Ben looked up at Ha Joon who shook his head and smiled. Ben sighed and looked back at Gauravi who forced a smile on her face. "I will be waiting for your call." He said narrowing his eyes before turned back and walking off with Ha Joon. Gauravi sighed dropping her head down in exhaustion. 

"I need coffee." She muttered rubbing her temples when her phone pinged. It had stopped buzzing when she started talking with Ben. Pulling out her phone saw her notifications mostly missed calls from him, few from Ben and there was recent text from Namjoon.

Kim Namjoon

We need to talk.

Gauravi sighed again squeezing her eyes closed, she let out a pained noise. I know!  I know! I know! She wanted to scream at top of her voice. It felt like her head was about burst into pieces from amount of stress it was going through. She didn't know what to do, it was too much, too much going around her to handle it calmly right now but she was trying her best. Her best to hold it all in but it was starting to feel like the sand was slipping from between her fingers. 

"Ma'am?" Gauravi snapped her head up suddenly. Seeing it was just Ha Joon she sighed and looked behind him. "He boarded the plane." Ha Joon said making her nod her head. "Is everything okay ma'am?" Ha Joon questioned.

"Uh? Yeah. Ha Joon head back to company. You will be handling everything there. Please keep reporting me about each and everything. I have assigned Soo Young for while being but head back there soon. The guy's good but he's practical knowledge is on weaker side. And yeah about the look out, don't worry about it. I'll see to it. First thing you do is bring me all cam records of parking lot from three weeks ago. This is getting way out of hand. I should've been careful. It was quite clear what they were after from the start." She muttered to herself before looking up at Ha Joon who was blankly staring at her. "What? Was I talking too fast? Did you get everything?"

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