삼십일 - एकतीस

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"Am I with just bad luck or you are deliberate on making my life hell?" Gauravi groaned after being slammed against the wall for don't know how many times after she met him.

"Don't you understand simple language or should I speak in English? Stay. away. from. him." Yoongi spoke through gritted teeth. The trying not to get caught while leaving Jungkook's room plan went down the hill when she got caught by the only person she didn't wanted to.

"I just wanted to see if he was okay." Gauravi spat pushing him away from her.

"You should have thought about him when you screamed at him last night."

"I am sorry okay. I was frustrated and he just-ahh god damn!! I am sorry, please just let it go now." Gauravi felt like pulling her hair out in frustration.

"Let it go?" He chuckled. "I should let it go when he got hurt and when I know the reason that he got hurt is because of you." He gritted ever word while pushing her against the wall again. She hissed in pain this time, he had grabbed her injured arm which she was pretty sure that had started to bleed again.

"Then what do you want me to do huh?" She hissed pushing his hand off and holding her hand over the injury.

"Stay away from him."

"You know I can't do that. I am your publicist. I am suppose to work around you guys. Are you asking me to not to do my job now?" She retorted heaving her breathe since her arm had started to hurt. The wound had opened up again. She felt the wetness. "God damn it." She cursed under her breath.

"Your work doesn't include laughing, flirting with your employer."

"Of course it doesn't. It also does not include getting slammed around ever damn time, now does it? Yet here we are." She smiled showing her teeth. "Mr. Min whatever happened I can take full responsibility of it but please, just stay out of my work." She said walking near him. "I know for you there is this game, you want to know what sort of secret I am hiding. Well, let me enlighten you. Whatever it is, you don't need to worry about it." With that she pushed him off and walked off from there.

"Ahh." She hissed from pulling her hand away from the injured arm to see her sleeve soaked in blood. "There goes my another shirt." She clicked her tongue in annoyance before making her way towards Ha Joon's room.

"Why did you do ma'am, you opened up the wound." Ha Joon said as he cleaned off the blood around the wound.

"Yeah-sst." She hissed when his finger accidentally touched the open flesh.


"Nah it's fine." She shook her head. "I ran into some trouble." She said answering his earlier question.

"Trouble?" He asked while keeping his hands busy around her wound.

"Yeah a kitty cat who's quite nosy and stubborn."

"Are we talking about a kitty cat or kitty man, because if it is a latter then I can take care of it for you." He said picking up some cotton pad.

"Can you now?" Gauravi chuckled ruffling his hair causing him to grunt and move away his head away from her hand.

"I can." He huffed. "Ma'am what are we going to do about the hallway situation?" He suddenly asked.

"I am going to report it. Beside it really wasn't a mistake from our side, I was beside him and I did my job as I am expected to. So no worries of getting scold, I mean boss doesn't really require any reason to scold me so it doesn't really matter." She answered with silly grin. "And the girl being here was really a coincidence, so I think we are fine on that side too."

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