이십 삼 - तेवीस

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"Ah ha! Got you!" Daeun exclaimed catching Gauravi's wrist who was walking out of the security office.

"Holy shi-Daeun! You scared me to death!" Gauravi shouted holding hand over her fast beating chest. "And seriously?" She glared at sheepishly looking Daeun.

"He he sorry." Daeun grinned not looking apologetic at all before turning and dragging Gauravi with her.

"Woah- wait Daeun!" She exclaimed after suddenly being pulled like that. But it didn't affect Daeun at all. She stopped directly when they had reached their destination. "What's with everyone dragging me around? I can walk on my own, thank you very much." Gauravi muttered before pulling her hand from Daeun grasp and rolling her wrist. The finger marks were still prominent from earlier and Daeun didn't do any better.

"Start talking right now." Daeun commanded folding her arms.

"Daeun w- Min Seo you are in this too?" Gauravi spotted Min Seo sitting on couch staring at Gauravi and Daeun the two bantered.

"Well, she dragged me here so.." Min Seo said pointing towards Daeun.

"What with people dragging others huh? And Daeun why are so hung up on that it was nothing."

"Nothing? What do you mean nothing? You were covered in hickeys Gauravi, they were of those sexy nights, that one could tell, yes you did the dirty." Daeun's expression changing with every word she uttered.

"I didn't know this was about her intimate life." Min Seo said with her eyebrow raised and pointing towards Gauravi.

"Of course it is. You should have seen her turn up at the site with those big red hickeys all over her neck and maybe they continued in downward direction but she didn't let me see it." Daeun continued narrowing her eyes at Gauravi who groaned in frustration.

"Ugghhh seriously? You wanted me to stripped naked in that changing room where anybody could walk in! My boobies are not an art to be displayed in public!"

"Well nobody did!"

"Yes, your stupid, arrogant, piece of shit Yoongi oppa did!" Gauravi shouted throwing up her hands in the air shunning both the girls who were staring at her with wide eyes. Realizing her mistake she cleared her throat. "Umm sorry for that." She said her voice back to normal. "Can we just drop this topic, I mean it was just one night stand, yeah it was as you state the sexy night but that's it. I don't even remember the man's face. So can we forget about it?"


"Okay." Min Seo interrupted Daeun smacking her on her arm. Gauravi threw her thank you smile.

"Don't we have to leave for that Puma event?" Gauravi asked checking her watch.

"Oh Shit!" Daeun shouting before rushing to fill her bag with the contains lying on the table. "Umm D? Do you need help there?" Min Seo asked looking at her as she was literally throwing things in her bags. "Nope! I am good!" Daeun shouted back. Other two chuckled and shook their heads at her behaviour.

"So I'll meet you there Daeun?" Gauravi called out walking out.


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"Joon what are the reports?" Gauravi questioned as they both walked side by side in the hallways.

"Umm we have gathered the accounts of new recruits. There were like five who are appointed on table job." Ha Joon answered keeping up his pace with Gauravi.

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