열다섯 - पंधरा

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She slammed her glass, again motioning for refill. Yoongi beside her downed his own, she was downing glass after glass blabbering some shit of marriage or something. Yoongi played along sipping and nodding once in a while. He was waiting for her to blurt out something, anything that would make his doubt clear. She had accepted that she was hiding something and Yoongi wanted to know what it was, he won't rest until he knew what she was hiding. Yoongi never liked two faced people and Gauravi, sure was not a happy go lucky kind of person that she portrayed herself as.

So Yoongi had played along, he had been sitting with her for an hour, she had been downing drinks after drink, she was shit wasted but that damn woman didn't utter a word about something suspicious, all she had been going on about was how marriages are useless and having a life partner is a burden. Yoongi internally groan as she downed another glass of scotch. The alcohol was starting to kick now. This was a very bad idea, he thought but nevertheless emptied his glass.

"Christopher, why is my glass empty?" She slurred trying to pointing at Chris.

"Ma'am I think it's enough for tonight." Chris said with concern.

"Yeah you should slow down there, you've been going on for a while now." Yoongi said a little worried, drinking is good but not this much.

"Whyyyy? I'm not drunk yet. I want to get wasteddd." She giggled holding up her glass.

"Get her a glass of water." Yoongi said, his own head had started to spin. Chris nodded and pushed a glass of cold water in front of her. She giggled before picking it up and gulping it down.

"Bleh. What was it? It was bland." She said scrunching up her face. Chris just shook head while Yoongi smiled in amusement. "Ooo nice song!" She suddenly exclaimed standing up, stumbled a little but used Yoongi's shoulder as support. "I wanna dance! Come on kitty kat! Dance with me." Yoongi didn't even get to reply, she had pulled him up with an inhuman strength and dragged him to dance floor. He was too shocked to even register what was happening and alcohol in his system was not helping at all.

"Wae? Wae? What are you doing?" Yoongi asked with his eyes wide open as he stared at her. She swinging to the music, her hands thrown up in air.

"What? I am dancing. Come on dance!" She shouted pulling his hands up and swinging them.

"I don't do dance." He said pulling his hands back at which she snorted.

"Pfft.. You do dance, I've seen you. Don't lie to me kitty kat." She said before pulling his hands again but this she placed them on her waist and locked her own around his neck.

"W-what are you doing?" Yoongi shuttered.

"I told you I am dancing kitty kat." She whispered in his ear before leaning back and smirking at him. She moved her hips to the music throwing her head back and turn it back to stare directly in Yoongi's eyes. Yoongi gulped when he saw that, it was like she had hit the last straw. Suddenly she found herself against him, Her back against his chest. He buried his nose in her neck which caused her to lean back and sigh.

"Don't start something you can't finish, Miss Gauravi." He growled against her neck.

"Who said that I can't finish it?" She slurred back grinding herself against him. Yoongi groaned tightening his hold. And just like that both archenemies were getting intense on the dance floor. It was safe to say that both were drunk as fuck to even know what they were doing. As both were getting handsy with each other, the other members of Yoongi's band were staring at them with eyes wide open, well apart from Hoseok who was almost passed out and Jungkook, whose eyes were covered by Jin not wanting his poor soul to be tainted. Jimin and Taehyung were giggling looking at their hyung and noona getting all intense.

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