삼십이 - बत्तीस

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"Joon what is the update on the girl?" Gauravi asked as soon as she entered their temporary meeting room in the hotel sipping the her daily dose of black coffee. Black coffee was not really her type of drink, too bitter and bland of her taste but it kept her brain working.

"As I said before, she was a guest at the hotel who coincidentally found Mr. Jimin and attacked acting on her hatred." Joon finished before passing her tab. "This is rest of her information."

"Woah, a professional knife thrower! No wonder she got me so bad." Gauravi grinned looking at Joon who gave her a concerned look, worried that she might've also hit her head for grinning at something like being cut to dead.

"Ma'am your wound..?" Joon trailed of at which Gauravi waved him off.

"Speaking of my wounds how the hell did you got Ben's number?"

"Well..- that-"

"And why the hell are you working as his little spy? You know you are betraying your comrade!"

"Ma'am, no- I-I was just worried that your wound might swell up so I contacted Mr.Ben because you wouldn't look after it well. I was just worried ma'am! I swear!" Poor Joon looked about to cry.

"Ah, ah I was just teasing." Gauravi stopped before tears start to run down his cheeks.

"I will never betray you ma'am." Joon said seriously as one would look while taking a oath.

"I know, I know don't worry about it, I was just teasing. And my wound, it's fine." She said patting her left arm. "Oww! Fuck why does it still hurts? That was not suppose to hurt. Why is it still hurting? You stupid wuss-"

Joon shook his head at his boss's stupid antics who continued scolding her arm that was injured by a knife wound, a deep cut to be exact and she expected it to not hurt.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Jk how are you feeling? Look what I got for you!" Jin walked in Jungkook's room talking as one would talk to his sulking child to make up. Jungkook huffed and turned away from him. It was not that he had any reason to be angry with his hyungs before but after Jimin hyung told him about how they would not let noona meet him, he had decided not speak to anyone of them unless needed.

"It's banana milk Jungkook-ah, see" Namjoon said holding up a white plastic bag which suddenly broke off from on its one handle and all of the content scattered on the ground."

"Wahhh as expected from god of destruction." Jin clapped his hands shaking his head in disappointment while Namjoon stood confused scratching his back of head.

"But-but I was of just holding it."

"Yah, yah stop finding excuses and start picking it up we have a baby to make it up to." Jin said shaking his head at Namjoon.

"Kookie... Why are you even mad at us? You know that it was not our decision to make, management decided it would be better for you to rest. We really couldn't do anything about it." Jin tried to explain.

"Oh so it was also management's decision to stop noona from meeting me." He finally exploded glaring at his two hyungs more like his other pair of parents. Since morning everyone were taking turns to talk to Jungkook but he had given them cold shoulder and now he had finally exploded.

"Oh it is about this." It was Namjoon who spoke first. "I was worried for a second there." The other two glared at him. "What?" Jin shook his head yet again.

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