Falling down the rabbit hole

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(A/N); Hello, lovely readers! First and foremost, I want to put a disclaimer that if you HAVEN'T caught up to major points of One Piece, such as Water 7/Enies lobby, Alabasta, know who the Supernovas are, know a bit about the Charlotte family, know about Law's backstory or Corazon's story, or stuff along those lines that could be spoilerish, then I implore you, that if you do not wish to be spoiled, catch up with these stuff first before reading. I do not want to unintentionally spoil anything for you all; I want you guys to enjoy this story with no worries! Now that I got that out of the way, enjoy the story!~ 

P.S; If you guys have favorite characters that you will like to see play more prominent roles in this story, let me know!  If possible, I could probably work something out


Mo' schooling, mo' problems; that is my motto. 'I hate adulthood...' I thought to myself, as I was currently stuck in a lame computer class that was mandatory to take for the first semester. To say I was ready to up and leave that class would be an understatement, especially when the professor that teaches the course has an attitude problem. 'Do I really have to take these useless classes for (Major name)? Colleges and universities really are just money hungry thieves.' I thought, not bothering to pay attention to this non-lesson, since the professor already went over this same EXACT lesson yesterday. I was so tempted to pull a Basil Hawkins, and stand up and say "This is stupid, I'm leaving". But, with my goodie two-shoes self, that wasn't going to happen. Besides, providing more gasoline to the dumpster fire that is my life will just make things a lot more worse. "(Y/n), can you help us with the next problem?" The devil asked me, as I felt my entire body tense up like I had a red dot targeted on my forehead. "U-um... I would, but I do not know..." At my answer, the demon smirked. "Yes, and you do not know, because you are not following along with us. I may have to deduct points for you today... maybe even give you a zero." At his response, I felt myself holding back a death glare. 'Fuck you too, professor.' At being practically humiliated in front of the whole class, the spawn of satan continued the mind-numbing 'lesson', as I really considered that Basil Hawkins approach from earlier. I mean, if I am going to get a 0 for today, I may as well go out in a bang, right? However, that goodie two-shoes side of me was stronger, so I decided to settle for a happy middle-ground. "This is stupid; i'm leaving." I whispered to myself, as I quietly packed my things, and left that room. It wasn't difficult to do, since I can be as quiet as a mouse when I need to be. Sometimes I wished I didn't restrain my sassy self, since it would be satisfying to call some of these annoying people out. However, that goodie two-shoes side of me always kept present, so that wasn't going to happen so easily, if at all.

'I need to clear my head...' I thought, as I trudged down the empty halls. I was going to exit through some doors, before I heard a peculiar conversation coming from one of the other classrooms. "Yes madam, for the last time, I have finally completed the prototype that you have requested! All we need now is a test subject, and then the project will be officially completed!" A soft male voice spoke, as I felt myself pale a bit at those more than concerning words. Prototype? Test subject?! 'Do we have our own Caesar Clown on campus or something?!' I pondered, not being able to help but be a tad bit nosy, as my head peeked a bit into the room.

What a big mistake that was, because it turned out this mad scientist was now looking directly at me. "Uh... sorry, wrong room." I mustered out on the spot, trying to now make a break for it, but it seemed the mad doc had a different idea in mind. "Wait, come over here." At this, I hung my head, and went to slowly go over to him. At least the guy didn't seem so scary. He was a short, blond middle-aged man that seemed incapable of hurting a fly. 'But, what if that is apart of the act? For all I know, this guy could be very dangerous!' My irrational paranoia spoke, as the rational logical side of me swatted that thought out. "Do you mind helping me out with this prototype I am working on? If you do, I will grant you whatever you desire!" He grinned to me with a very toothy smile, as I rose a skeptical brow at him. "Anything? Really?" I questioned, not believing his ridiculous words, as he nodded, seeming surprisingly earnest. "Absolutely! I never say anything I do not mean!" He told me firmly, as I shrugged; what harm could come from helping this guy?

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