5. Memories of Past

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Dong Fu's face was pale white, his legs were still shivering. Never again he was going there, never he swore.

He went back to his aunt's place, dumped all the things on the table in his room. He didn't want to take a look at those things for now. He went and took a warm shower to calm his nerves, he leaned his head on the bathroom wall. The water fell on his shoulders and flowed down his thin back.

After he calmed down, he lay down on his bed facing the ceiling, he tried to calm his fragile heart, he didn't believe in ghosts but who knows, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

When he woke up, it was already evening. He checked his phone and there was a missed call from his aunt so he called her back.

"Aunty, you called?"

"Yeah baby, I am at the airport to pick up your uncle and Rihanna but their flight has been delayed. We will reach home late, order some takeout for you."

"Okay, bye." He hung up the call, he didn't know what else to say to her. He didn't like to talk to her much either. She calling him baby made him feel very uncomfortable.

He sat up and went to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and washed his face. He looked at the stranger in the mirror. Dong Fu's lips curved up. "How can you be so beautiful Sui, yet live a life like a madman not making use of your beauty."

He changed his clothes, took his wallet and went downstairs to order some food. He opened the fridge to drink some nice cold water when he heard a thud behind him. He instantly froze up, other than his heavy breathing; the house surrounded by quietness, just like the house in Spring Willow.

He remembered the footsteps he had heard, "fuck." He didn't wait to see what that thud sound was all about, he just left the house. "Oh my god, I am so fucked. She is stalking me now?"

He took a taxi and went to his hotel. At this time he wanted to be somewhere he felt comfortable.

It was evening and he felt very hungry. He didn't have anything to eat other than breakfast, so he went to the restaurant on the rooftop. The sun was going down and cool breeze kissed his soft lips making him smile.

This entire place was his in his past life, but everything disappeared in just one moment. He ordered a glass of wine before ordering something to eat. The surrounding was just beautiful to have a romantic time alone for oneself.

He browsed the internet to see if there was any news about his past life. He already had his will prepared. Some things were passed to his sister and mom, whereas rest would go to the NGO he used to volunteer.

He had two houses under his name, one huge luxury size villa and other was a small apartment under his company's name. This was a secret hideout for him and all the things that he treasured the most were kept.

Even if he was going to live a new life, there were things he extremely treasured in his past. It would be best if he visited the old apartment as early as possible, to get them.

The thing he wanted the most was a little white rose. It was his lucky charm. He starred at the horizon remembering his past.

When Dog Fu was 18, he played a role in a drama. The area they were shooting was in the mountain's, there was a nearby village. It was a great spot for nature lovers to come and stroll for a weekend.

Many people came for camping and fishing. The shooting was scheduled to last for fifteen days, every morning he would go for a run near the river. On the third day, he saw three young boys around 13 or 14 fishing.

He wondered what these boys were doing so early in the morning. It was early winter, the weather was very cold, especially in the mornings. So he went to talk to them. When he said hello, they were shocked and stunned.

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