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Win wasn't so surprised when he saw some students at the beach with their phones, flashing their camera at him, others were obviously recording the not so special event. He was already getting used to the attention. Of course he was the best swimmer at his university and he had also represented the country in an international swimming event and came back home with the silver medal.

He knew by morning, the photos and videos will be all over the social media. He was also used to that. He only pitied the the boy who will be shocked when his face goes viral in the media.

Win was as popular as his looks. Standing at about six feet tall, he was strikingly handsome - having maintained his blonde curls all his life.

He looked at the boy in arms. How innocent.

He tried to imagine why a boy who can't swim wander into the beach without a swim jacket or something. Was he trying to commit suicide? Now here he was holding the cute boy in his arms walking down the shore. The boy felt fragile in his grip and Win wondered if he'd taken a good meal in the past week.

He walked past the crowd and placed the boy on a cloth that was laid on the sand.

"Will he be okay?" someone asked from the crowd.

Win knelt beside the boy. He had passed out and his breathing was shallow. This means water was clogging his lungs. Win nodded slightly. "He will be fine."

He needed no one to tell him that the boy had to be resuscitated. Without wasting time, he placed both his hands on the boy's torso and began to perform chest compressions. He timed himself by glancing at his water resistance wrist watch.

"He is not waking up," Someone muttered in the crowd.

"You better perform CPR or we loose him at this point," another person suggested.

It was a better option. A minute passed and there was still no response from the boy. He must have totally blacked out at this point. Win had no safer option but to perform a CPR or him.

Win tilted the boy's head to the side towards his bent knees, he pinched his auburn nose slightly. His facial skin felt so soft to touch. Win almost got lost in deep feelings at that moment. He had never touched a boy's lips before but since this was a matter of life and death he took a deep breath and placed his mouth on the boy's. Closing his eyes, he blew air into the boy's mouth. Once... Twice...

On the third time, the boy choked out and gasped heavily. He coughed out water till he recollected where he was. The other boys quickly wrapped him up in a towel and took him to safety.

Win quickly stepped aside. His work here was done. He managed to slip away from the crowd before the boy began to ask questions.

Win My Heart [BounPrem]Where stories live. Discover now