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The sky was already dark when Win got to the street leading to his house. He purposely stayed out late, hoping his father will have gone to bed by the time he was home. But he wrong.

He had barely entered through the front door when his father's voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Win...you are late. Where are you coming from?"

Win took a deep breath and reeled his brains for a stupid answer to give to his father.

"Was with my friends." Win replied still backing the man.

"Hanging with friends!" the man barked. "Those good for nothing friends. That is why you never won the first position in the swimming competition. You embarrass me and my family! You should better study harder this year!"

Win ignored the old man's ranting and walked up the stairs to his room.

"Win! I'm talking and you're walking out!"

Win slammed his room door shut. He was already getting used to his rants almost everyday, his father repeated the same situation. He was only preparing himself for the day he was going to talk back at him.

Win knew better. He knew he was smarter. He was among the top best students in his department but his father never acknowledged his efforts. He only compared him to other kids around.

Win slumped on his bed and for a minute he closed his eyes. He recalled the little time he had with that boy, Team. That should be his most valuable and lovely time well spent in a while now. He recalled the feels of Team's body when he held him in the water. The way his eyes froze in time when he glared at him. The soft smile on the boy's chubby cheeks...

Win could see himself falling for the innocent boy. He was brought back to his senses when his phone rang. He sat up in bed and picked his phone. A new number was not stored in his contact was blinking on the screen. He answered the call.


"Hello P'Win. It's Team."

Win smiled when he recognized the soft voice.

"Team. You called."

"Yes P." Team replied from the other end. "I am interested to learn swimming but..."

"But what?"

"P... Will you be patient with me even if am annoying?"

"Who says you're annoying. Don't worry I will be patient enough till you learn to swim properly."

"Is it free?"

"Hmmm." Win tilted his head to his right. His blood curls fell across his face. "Nah. You gonna pay Team."

"I don't have enough money to pay you."

"Ohh maybe you can pay another way."

"What other way P'Win?"

"When we meet I will tell you then."

"Okay," Team replied. "When are we starting?"

"Saturday. We will go to the beach," Win said boldly squinting his eyes and smacking his lips. Team was more naive than he thought.

"The beach?"


There was a pause on the other end. "I don't want to go there P."

"Team, I want you to overcome your fear. That way you can become the best if you want."


"No complains. We are going to the beach. You don't have to be scared, agreed?"

"Yes P." Team breathed.

Win My Heart [BounPrem]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang