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After school hours the next day, Win joined his friends at the food court beside the university for lunch. He drove Dean's car to the venue. When he sighted them he strode to their table.

"A'Dean, what's happening guys?"

Dean looked at Win. "Yeah, long time no see."

"What do you mean long time no see, I've been around," Win placed the car key on the table beside Dean. "Thanks for your help Dean."

"How did it go?" Dean asked.

"Am I missing something?" Tae asked.
Win smirked and took a seat between them.

"Didn't you know Win is in love," Dean raised his eyebrows.

"Ah, is it Nong Team?"

"Yeah, can you believe Win called me at night and was crying to go see him."

Tae burst to laugh.

"I wasn't crying, stop it Dean."

"What was the problem?" Dean asked.

"It's his birthday and I wanted to make it special."

"Of course, lover boy. You do your thing. But don't hurt the boy, else I'm going to take him from you," Tae said teasing Win.

"Don't you dare, Tae. Take your eyes off him," Win cocked his eyebrow. "He's innocent."

Tae pouted. "Oiii... So possessive!"

Win ordered for a plate of noodles and ate. He looked around the food court to see if Team would be there, but he wasn't. He didn't want to bother the boy for now. It was his birthday and he will probably be with his friends and family. But he was missing him already.

"Ah, Win. Have you registered for the national swimming competition for this year?" Dean asked. He ruffled his school bag and brought out a file which contained the forms for the swimming competition.

Win paused and looked at his half empty plate. He suddenly lost his appetite.

"I won't be swimming this year," he muttered.

Dean opened his mouth, speechless. "You're joking?"

"I'm serious," Win shrugged. His face was expressionless like he just said something normal.

"Why?" Tae managed to ask.

"Nothing," Win twitched his jaws.

"Is the cramps getting worse." Dean asked, he was worried at this point.

"Not so much. I just don't want to swim."
Win wiped his mouth with the serviette and stood up. "I will see you guys later. "

Dean and Tae watched their friend walk out of the food court, both still shocked at the sudden decision of their friend.


"Ooo!" Mannow yelled loudly. "Happy birthday to my baby Team!"

She quickly rushed to grab the plastic knife and took a huge slice of the cake. She stuffed it in her mouth and shook her head. "Hmm... this is delicious."

"Don't eat it all, Mannow," Pharm said. "You will get fat."

"She just wants the cake, Pharm," Team said to Pharm. "It's my birthday but she is eating the cake like she made it herself." They both watched as Mannow continued to stuff cake in her big mouth.

"So how was your night with Win?" Pharm asked.

"Um...lovely," Team said.

"You had fun?"

Team nodded.

"What do you think about him then?"

"I like him, he is just unpredictable and that scares me."

"It's normal. You will get used to him in a short time," Pharm leaned closer and whispered. "...when you give yourself fully to him."

Team chuckled. "I'm a bit scared."

"There's nothing to be scared about, it's enjoyable you know."

"What is enjoyable?" Mannow jumped on the bed where the two friends were talking. "Tell me, what are you talking about?"

"Nothing Mannow!" Team answered, shooing her away from the bed.

"Is it about P'Win?" she asked, her eyes popping out of its sockets.

"Yes," Pharm answered.

"What did he do, tell me please."

Pharm glanced at Team. He gave him a signal to go ahead and tell Mannow the news.
"It's official. Team is dating P'Win!" Pharm announced, gesturing his hands in the air.

Mannow screamed and quickly brought out her phone. "P'Win fan club needs to near this! Oh my goodness! This is good news."

Team shook his head and smiled. Just then his phone rang out. He excused himself and went to a corner in the room.

"Hello P'Win," Team smiled as he heard the senior's voice.

"Where are you Team, I haven't seen you all day?"

"Um... At my place."

"Are you with your friends?" Win breathed.


"Can we meet?"

"But P, I can't leave my friends. They're at my house."

"I'm dating you now Team. I also need to spend time with you, you know that."

"Oiii...you're making me blush P."

Win chuckled on the other end.
"I miss you," he said. "I need to see you. I have something important to tell you."

Team's heart skipped a beat when he heard the statement. He wondered what Win meant by that.

"Okay P'Win."

Win My Heart [BounPrem]Where stories live. Discover now