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Win gave Dean the okay sign, assuring him, he was good to go. This was for the school reputation. He had just broken a record in Taiwan. A games within his own school was a minor one that he could overcome easily.

The swimming coach, had immediately promised Win he will be signed up for Olympics games which Win laughed at because he was already thinking of retiring after this games. He knew he needed to recuperate, his body had been giving off signs. But he kept on fighting it.

The last time he had taken his medication was before leaving for Taiwan. He tried not to think about any other thing except to win. They will be having a double celebration, he was sure Dean will plan out a surprise party for him. He couldn't wait to have fun with his baby Team.

When the shot rang out, the swimmers dived into the pool. Ten seconds passed, Win felt a sprain in his left shoulder. The pain shot right through his spine and hit his right thigh. Then the cramps started building.

Win fought. Just a little more, he kept saying to himself, he was almost there... Just a little more, you don't have to Win, a voice said...
Win countered the voice. I have always been a winner...

When the final whistle blew and the record was displayed on the board, Win came first. The crowd exploded in cheers and celebrations. Win remained in the water. He lost all strength and feelings in his lower limbs.
He leaned on the slab slipping in and out of consciousness, his body shivering in the water.

Team was first to notice. He ran to get a bigger towel from the changing room. In the chaos and celebration, everyone's attention was away from the pool. When Team arrived, he couldn't find Win. He was leaning in here just few minutes ago. Team panicked. The only thought that came into Team's mind was, Win must have slipped into the water.

Team dived straight into the pool without warning. He swam to the middle of the water and found the silhouette of Win, the only love of his life settled at the base of the pool, motionless and almost lifeless.


"I need help!" Team screamed as soon as he reached the surface of the water.

Quickly Dean and Tae jumped into the pool and helped Team lift Win out of the water. While Tae called for an ambulance, Dean moved to wrap Win's body in a large towel, while Team performed chest compression on Win.

Team opened Win's mouth and blew air into his lungs. He did it the second time, and Win came alive. Win reached out and held Team on his hand.

Win coughed out more water and he tried to stand, but he winced in pain.

"P... Don't move."

"I'm fine," Win muttered. He tried to stand again. But Team held him closer and let the warmth from his body radiate through him.

"Win... Just hold me." Team said as he curled his arms around his senior. He had been fighting back tears the whole time. Hearing Win say he was fine almost broke him.

"The ambulance will be here..." Tae announced.

Dean had just remained speechless throughout the whole ordeal. He was fuming with anger inside. He just wished to shoot Win's father with pistol at the moment. He helped carry Win into a private room where they waited for the medical team.

The ambulance arrived sooner than expected, Win was lifted in the stretcher and wheeled into the back of the ambulance in minutes.

"We need a family member to go with him." one of the male nurse said.
Dean stepped forward.

"Who are you to him?" the nurse asked again.

"His bestfriend, he's like family to me," Dean answered, slowly. He wiped his eyes. He knew Team was young to witness Win's episode of the illness. It will break him even more.

The male nurse held the door to the ambulance as Dean entered.

"Pharm take care of Team. He shouldn't be here for now."

Pharm nodded.

"Team I will call you. He will be fine, don't worry about him," Dean said.

Team stood at the spot, not able to move or process what was happening, tears swelling his eyes. He watched in horror as the ambulance drove away into the light.

Win My Heart [BounPrem]Where stories live. Discover now