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Win tapped the key in his hand, and a car parked across the road came to life.

"You came with a car?" Team asked.

"Yeah, it's Dean's car. I borrowed it to get here," Win winked.

"Oi... You're acting so cool right now."

Win chuckled. He opened the door to the passenger's seat and gestured to Team to get in. Team rolled his eyes and sat comfortably before the door was shut. Win stepped in the drivers seat and motioned to Team to put on his seat belt.

"Ohh..." Team pulled the belt but it was stuck.

"Let me help you with that." Win leaned closer towards Team, just inches away from the boy's cute face. Team's heart skipped a beat when he inhaled the soft seductive perfume oozing from the senior's body.

Win pulled the belt gently and slowly crossed it over Team's chest. He fixed it in place and started the ignition.

"Did I make you uncomfortable?" Win asked, his eyes was on the road.

Team blinked quickly and faced the window. Of course he felt uncomfortable with Win coming so close to him that way, but he felt good in a way.
"Um... No. I am fine."

Team watched as Win made his way further away from the town.

"Have you eaten anything today?"

Team shook his head. "No."

Win breathed. "Sorry about that. I shouldn't have kept you waiting that long?"

"It's okay. You already apologized," Team said. "Where are we going?"

"Told you I have a surprise for you."

"What is it about?"

Win looked at Team. He smiled.
"You will see."

Win picked his phone up and glanced at the screen. It was about nine o'clock. He rolled the car into a driveway and parked the car upfront of a cozy restaurant.

They stepped out and made their way towards the VIP section. Team watched as Win approached a waiter. They talk for some minutes and Win gestured to Team to take the stairs. They made their way to the rooftop and took a seat beside the rails.

Team looked at the horizon. The beautiful ambience of the city was a breathtaking view from the rooftop. The air was chilled and calm. There were two or three couples at the corner also enjoying the weather.

Team wondered how much it cost to book a table in this restaurant.
"What are you doing?" Team asked almost whispering at Win.

"Making our order. Why?"

Team glanced at the restaurant, the beautiful decorated interior showed how expensive a plate of food will cost. He stared at Win like he was crazy. "But this place is expensive!"


"Ugh... P... I actually didn't expect this at all."

Win reached his arm across the table and grabbed the boy's soft hand. "Team, I just want to make this day special okay. You don't have to worry about anything. Just enjoy the moment."


"No complains. This is just one of the surprise I planned out. You have one more. So why not enjoy yourself now."

Team gaped at Win. "Whaaaat! Are you taking me somewhere else?"

"Maybe, maybe not..." Win teased.

Team sunk in his chair feeling shy and overwhelmed with happiness. He still wondered what the reason was for this small occasion. He didn't give much thought about it though. Maybe he should just enjoy himself like Win suggested.

The waiter returned with a three course French cuisine meal and decorated the table with the enticing colourful dishes.

Win made sure Team ate much of the steaks and vegetables. He didn't eat much. There was a thought on his mind and he wanted to get it out.

"I'm worried." Win suddenly said as half way through the meal.

Team looked up. "About what?"

"A few things."

A skeptical expression crossed Team's face. "What things?"

Team looked up to see Win's eyes boring into his skin. He quickly grabbed his glass of water.

Win paused and stared at the boy critically. "When I saw that guy touching you at the waterfall, I felt like really chopping off his hands."

Team took the cup to his mouth and began to drink anxiously.

"I think I need to make you mine officially before someone else does."

Win My Heart [BounPrem]Where stories live. Discover now