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The rest of the day went slowly. It made Team restless the whole time. Why would Win say something like that? Now he has to be on alert waiting for his message. It was almost three o'clock when Team got home. He quickly showered and had a quick meal of noodles.

He had told Pharm and Manow that he was too tired to hang out with them. The truth was he really wanted to be available when Win calls or texts.

Team suddenly felt lonely. He thought of his mother and how she was fairing in the country side. He took his phone and placed a call to her. After about three redials, there was no answer. Maybe she was really busy, Team thought.

He logged in to his facebook account and scrolled through the pages. All he could view was photos of different couples going on vacation and having fun together. Team sighed and rolled on the bed.

A pang of jealousy hit his chest. He kept scrolling through when he saw a message posted by Pharm. There was a photo of him and Dean eating together in a cozy restaurant. Pharm captioned the photo, He is so handsome right. 💙

Team chuckled and dropped his phone on the bed. Pharm and Dean were really having a good time and their relationship was flourishing but he was still acting too scared to accept Win.

Team rolled on the bed again. His dark hair lying loosely across his forehead. A lot of thoughts was going through his mind. What if Win gives up and never courts him again, will he have the opportunity to meet someone like Win again?

Just then his phone beeped. He glanced at the screen. It was a message from Win.

'Meet me at the beach. Near the water falls. 4pm. You like surprises? Don't be late. Win.'


The reflection on the mirror was strikingly handsome. Win smoothened his hair one more time. He made sure his outfit was in order. Looking simple in a blue denim and the t-shirt, he picked up his phone and wallet before stepping out of his room. He had barely crossed the sitting room area when he heard his name.

"Win where are heading to by this time?"

Win stopped and exhaled. He could feel his father's eyes glaring strongly at him.


"Practice? You're dressed like someone going for a party!"

Win looked at his appearance again, what is wrong with the way he dressed? Then he regretted why he didn't jump out through his room window to leave the house. He had done that several times.

"You are beginning to slack in your swimming lessons Win."

"I am not..."

"It's not going to help you if you lie."

"I have been practicing dad," Win replied firmly. He knew if he wavered, the man will be more suspicious of him.

The man adjusted in his chair. He dropped the magazine in his hand.
"Who was that young man that slept over in my house the other day?"

Win widened his eyes in shock. He wondered how his father knew about Team.

"I have spies who monitor your moves. Don't think I will let you ruin my reputation."

"He is my friend."

"Friend? You think life's a joke," the man barked. "You are a national star. You are supposed to be preparing for your next game. Not going around making friends with irresponsible boys!"

Win was getting tired of the man asking him twenty one questions.

"My friend is not irresponsible," Win muttered rolling his eyes.

"Your friend? I said that boy is irresponsible. Who sleeps over at another man's house. Is that decent?"

"Dad, don't speak about Team that way. You don't even know him!"

"Do you know more than me now? If you want to practice then do that in the house." The man yelled.

Win couldn't believe this was happening. Of all days to have a fight with his father. Today!

"Can't I go out again? I can always go swimming any time I want."

"So you prefer to go out there and waste your time and life, after I have suffered to bring you up this long. Where is your mother huh?"

"Dad! Can you leave mom out of this?"

Win's father stood up and walked towards young man.
"Definitely, she left me for another man, are you are taking after her now? You want people to laugh at me? Is that what you want?"

"Nobody is laughing at you dad. You are just too selfish." With that last statement, Win stomped his way back to his room.

The man eyed his son who was now almost the same height with him. He gritted his teeth in anger.

"Win! you are not leaving this house until I say so. Get your acts together and concentrate!"

Win My Heart [BounPrem]Where stories live. Discover now