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Win took a step back when the bubbles got thicker and someone gradually emerged from the water. Who could he be and how long was he in the water?


The boy swam to the edge of the pool where Win was standing and poked out his face from the water, all smiles.


"How long are you in the water?"

"Thirty seconds!"

"What?" Win squatted down looking at the boy as if he was different.
"Are you trying to kill yourself? What kind of stunt are trying to do?"

"P... I'm fine," Team laughed. "Help me out." Team said as he held out his right hand towards the senior.

Win chuckled. "You almost scared me Team." He moved closer and grabbed Team's hands. But Team was quicker. With one swift pull, Win tumbled into the water.


"Let's do a race," Team suddenly announced. "1, 2... go!"

Team took off, swimming butterfly strokes. The senior smiled as he joined behind him. He soon reached Team and held on to his legs. Team struggled a bit before Win swam ahead of him and reached the other end.

"P'Win... You cheated."

"You started it first."

"You should let me win sometimes,"

"Really?" Win squinted his eyes and glared at the boy. "Why did you come here?"

"To practice, what about you?"

Win tilted his head. He really wished he was alone. But now he couldn't bear been without Team. He soon forgot why he came to the pool in the first place. Team radiated pure warmth into his soul.

"I missed you."

"Ah... P... Is it been three hours you saw me."
Team swam and leaned his elbows on the edge of the pool beside Win.

"You don't understand. I don't want to lose you."

"Me too," Team said, wiping water dripping from his hair to his face.

Win turned in the water and faced the boy. He took his hand and placed it on his bare chest. He could feel the boy flinch at the touch. But his heart was welcoming.

"You know I..."

"P... You don't have to say anything," Team cut in. Win watched in ecstasy as the boy put his arms around his neck and hugged him fully. His head rested in the nook of his neck. His skin melting into his, his heart beating in accord with his.

Win breathed and wrapped his arms around the boy. "What are you doing Team?" Win whispered softly.

Team disconnected the hug and glared at the senior.
"I know everything. I can see it through your eyes."

"My eyes..." Win blinked. He moved wet hair away from the boy's forehead. His fingers trailed his cheeks down to his lips.


Win leaned closer and planted a kiss on the soft plum lips. Then he cupped the boys face  with both his hands and kissed him deeply.

Just then, they heard a noise coming from the the locker room. It seemed someone, maybe the pool caretaker was around to clean the place. Both boy's looked at each and quickly sank into the water.

Win My Heart [BounPrem]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora