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Win arrived home later that night to meet his father still awake. He had purposely returned late to avoid seeing his father but he was wrong. The man was sitting at the dining area making notes with his laptop.

Win mumbled a form of greeting and tried to hurry past him.

"Why coming home by this time?" His strong hoarse voice filled the room.

"I had practice," Win replied looking away from his father.

"Practice keeps you out till this time?" The man's voice spiked. He shut his laptop and glared hard at his son. 


"Win. I hope you are not doing anything out there to ruin your life. You ought to do better. If you had come home with a gold medal maybe things would have been better but no. You came with a bronze medal. That means you're not the best. Is that how you want to live?"

Win bit his lower lips. He bowed slightly and walked up the stairs to his room. He shut the door to his father's continuous irritating voice.

Ever since his mother left them, obviously because of his father's nagging nature, he had been the next target. Nothing he did ever satisfied his father. He was a staunch critique and wouldn't hesitate to bring Win down no matter how hardworking he was.

Win has managed to endure his harsh words over the years but it was gradually getting unbearable.
He didn't blame his mother for leaving the house to her sisters place at another city. She obviously couldn't take it anymore. Win wondered if she was doing okay wherever she was.

After taking a warm bath, Win picked his phone and logged into his facebook page. There he saw the picture of the boy he saved. It seemed other students were beginning to ask who they boy was.
There was a lot of tagging going on, Win quickly got bored.

As he laid down he recalled the snack that boy had given him in school. He went to his school bag and took out the small food box. Opening it, inside was about six heart shaped cupcakes with fancy attractive colors. He ran a hand through his blonde curls as he held the box. This brought a smile to Win's face. He picked one and took a bite.

To his surprise, it tasted delicious. He suddenly stopped eating when a thought crossed his mind. Does the boy really share cupcakes to seniors who help him out?

If he does, that means one of this days, he was going to get snatched by those hungry seniors who would take advantage of an innocent boy.

Win didn't want that to happen. Now that he tasted this cake he didn't want anybody else to have it.

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