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Team wasted no time in getting into the bus that was heading to the beach. He took some photos while in the bus to remind him of the day he began his swimming lessons with Win. He posted the pictures on his facebook page. He held the snack bag tightly in his hand. He didn't want the cakes to soil from the bumps made by the bus. This was a special package.

He had gone to Pharm's place and stayed over the night, so that he would prepare some cakes, which he gladly did.

When the bus got to the beach he alighted and made his way to the water. It was quite sunny and there were many people playing and lying about the sandy area.

Team looked around to see if he could see Win but he was nowhere around. He took out his phone and was about to dial his number when someone blocked his eyes with warm fingers.

He touched the hands wondering who the person was. The beautiful scent of his senior flooded his nose.


When he said the name the person released his hands from his face. Team turned around and saw Win glaring back at him with a sunny smile.

Win was wearing a colorful shirt and a white short with a sun hat over his head.

'P... You almost scared me," Team said tapping his senior's chest. "When did you get here?"

"Not long ago," Win replied. "I wanted to surprise you."

"You actually did surprise me."

Both stared at each other awkwardly. They felt a little reserved since they were in a public place.
"Here are your snacks," Team handed the snack bag to Win.

"Haha..." Win smiled. He rubbed his tummy. "I was joking about the snacks. You actually made it."

"Yes, last night with my friend."

"Hmm. Thanks Team," Win said ruffling the boy's dark hair.

They walked to a spot where Win had already picked out for them. An umbrella was hooked to a long beach chair, and a mat was laid beside it. Win's bag was already on the mat.

Win began to unbutton his shirt and within seconds he pulled it off his back.

Team stared at those hard ripped abdomen muscles.and was lost for a moment.

"Are you ready or not?"

"Oh... no," Team replied. He removed his shirt but didn't want to take off his inner shirt. He felt a little shy to go bare chested in the presence of so many people roaming around the beach.

"I'm ready now." Team said.

Win watched him. He couldn't help but smile. Team was such a cutie.
"You're ready now?"

Team nodded.

Win shook his head and shrugged. "Follow me."

Team knew the basic foundations of swimming. He was not a novice, he just needed to be stronger and faster in the water.

After practicing both the leg and hand movements, Win taught him breathing exercises and the secrets to making better strokes. Team was ready to swim a few yards. He told Win to watch him and rate his swimming.

He dived into the water confidently and swarm to a distance. When he stopped, he waved at Win. His heart skipped when he saw Win waved back. He swarm back to the beginning spot and Win was there to hold him.

Win noticed the boy had a unique style of swimming just like him. The way he effortlessly moved in the water was beautiful.

"One more thing," Win announced

"Let's see how many seconds you can stay under water."

"Huh?" Team's eye widened.

Win didn't allow him to decide. He quickly pulled Team into the water. Both of them sunk deep in seconds. It wasn't up to ten seconds when Team stared struggling. He hit Win on the chest Win noticed and they pulled back up afloat the water.

Team was breathing deeply like he was about to have a panic attack.
"Are you okay? Team...Team!" Win wiped off wet hair from the boy's soft face. He placed his hands on Team's cheeks.

"You don't have to be scared, okay?"

The boy managed to nod. Win held his hands tightly and they got out of the water. They returned to their spot and Team laid down on the beach mat till he was calm.
Win sat beside him.

"You did so well Team. Why did you panic?"

Team swallowed hard.
"I was scared."

"Why will you be scared when I'm here," Win gulped down a bottle of water.

Team glanced at the senior. He sat up and faced him. Team didn't want to feel too vulnerable sharing his secrets with the senior but he seemed trustworthy.

"Can I tell you something?"

"Why not?"

Team breathed. "I and my friend went swimming at the beach. It was late at night. While I was swimming faster he was behind yelling at me to go on. But then I didn't hear his voice again. He drowned. When his body was found the doctors said he had a heart attack. Ever since I hated swimming."

Win had no words at the moment. He spread out his arms and covered up Team in a hug.

"I'm sorry about your loss." He whispered softly in the boy's hair.

"He keeps haunting me, P. I can't do it."

"I understand." Win's hand roved down to the boy's back and he rubbed him warmly.

"I think I'm crazy, P."

"No. He would've wanted you to keep swimming and become the best."

Team looked at Win breaking the hug.
"You think so?"

"Mmm." Win nodded. There was glitter in his eyes.

"Can I still go on swimming? It doesn't feel like I am cheating him."

Win placed his hands on Team's shoulders. "He was your best friend. Everybody wants his friends to succeed. He would like you to succeed, believe me."

Team was surprised how Win made it feel so easy. He was probably right. He pondered about it for a bit. "Okay."

"So shake it off." Win handed him the bottle water which Team drank from. He suddenly felt relieved and excited about swimming again.

"Thank you P."

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