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The sun rays poured into the room in fullness and color. Win woke up shielding his sleepy eyes from so much warm light. He felt so weak this particular morning. His lower back hurt, and his shoulders hurt too.
What day was it? He quickly checked his phone.


He heaved a breath of relief. He managed to get up from the bed and strode quietly to the kitchen. He checked the tea racks. It was empty. His health tea and supplements were all finished. He was running low on cash to even buy more. He prepared a cup of warm milk tea and returned to his room.

After taking the tea, he laid back down and covered himself with the duvet. His phone rang out and he picked it.

"Hello, Dean."

"Good morning Win."

"Can you come over so we can do the English homework together?"

"A'Dean. I really don't feel too well. But I can come," Win said.

"Wait. Your voice is low. Are you okay?"

"Just the usual muscle cramps. And my medicines is finished."

"Do you want me to come in the evening and check on you."

"Nah, don't worry about me. I'm fine. Just need to sleep more."

"You sure?"

"Yes. Don't worry A'Dean. Bye."

Win didn't know when he slept off or how long he had been sleeping but a knock on his door woke him.

He staggered to door and opened it. He rubbed his eyes to get a clearer view of the person.

Team? What!


"P'Win are you okay?"

"What are you doing here? How did you get my address?"

Team studied Win for a moment. Dried lips, pale skin, droopy eyes, blonde hair laying loose on his face and shirtless.

"It doesn't matter now," Team said. He walked past Win into the room. "I bought your medicines and some snacks."

Team brought out the things from the bag he was holding. Win looked at them and was surprised they were the exact medicines he needed.

"How? Who told you..."

"Pharm was with Dean with he called you so..."

Win picked up his shirt to wear.
"You should have called me and told me you were coming."

"You are going to deny that you're sick and make excuses. That is why I didn't call you."

Win felt exhausted. He walked back to his bed and sat down. He ran a his slim fingers through his hair and stared at Team while he prepared the medicines.

"How much did you spend on those."

"Don't worry P," Team smiled warmly.

Having been alone all his life without any siblings, Win was still getting used to the attention and the fact that some guy like Team left his own comfort to come care for him. How nice of him.

Team was looking casual in his black sweat pants and polo. His dark hair was loosely spread over his forehead.

"Your medicine is ready," Team said as he gave Win the cup.


Win drank the bitter medicine and squeezed his face. He also took the tablets and got back into bed. He soon got dizzy and got into a deep sleep.

Team covered him with the sheets. He soon got busy and cleaned up Win's room, washed his dirty clothes and prepared some noodles and boiled eggs.

When he had rested he went to the bedside and stared at Win. He slept so peacefully. He still looked weak. He felt bad for stressing his senior at the beach the other day. Team had to go since the next day is Monday and he needed to go prepare.

"P. P'Win." He shook the senior's hand slightly.

Win turned in his sleep and looked at Team. "Sorry I dozed off. I was so weak."

"It's fine. You need rest."

Win nodded.

"I washed your shirts and cleaned your room."

Win opened his mouth a bit surprised. "Why? You shouldn't have done that."

"Don't worry about it," Team said.

Both stared at each other as an awkward silence filled the room.

"Err... P'Win. I need to go now. It's getting late."

Win jerked from the bed. "Team? Do you have to go?"

"It's school tomorrow."

Win sat on the bed and held Team's hand. He rubbed it gently as if trying to soothe his heart.

"Can you stay with me?"

Shock lined Team's face. He couldn't resist Win's charms. He was speechless at the moment. "P'Win?"

Win blinked softly. He pulled Team to sit beside him and leaned closer to the boy.
"Just for tonight. Please."

Win My Heart [BounPrem]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant