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When Win was finally alone, away from reporters and the crazy paparazzi,he returned to the changing room where he parked his stuffs. He took off the medal from his neck and stared at the piece for a second. Then he put it in his pocket.

He walked out to the parking lot where he saw his father still talking to reporters, his face radiant with smiles. He was more excited about the game. His hypocrisy irritated Win. He waited at a corner making sure to stay away from getting any more attention.

His father soon trotted to his direction, hands in his pocket, feeling proud of himself. He held a bunch of fake flower gifts in his hand.

"Um Win... You did it!"

"I know," Win breathed.

"You can join me for a drink, with my friends at the hotel."

"No. I can't."


"I'm leaving."

"Leaving where?"


"Wait. Why? You know you can't go back there," Win's father voice quickly changed to a more authoritative tone. "That is not what we discussed."

Win sighed. He put his hand in his pant pocket and took out the medal.
"This is what you wanted father. I think you can have it."

Win walked closer to his father, and placed the medal in his hand then turned and walked away.

"Win! If you leave Taiwan don't ever return to my house! Win!"

"I don't care!"

"You're nothing, you selfish brat!"

Win paid no attention. This was not the first time he had gotten threats from his father. He walked to the road, hailed a taxi and got in.

He took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Hey...my love."

"P'Win! Where are you?"

"Is it your turn to swim now?" Win asked.

"Not yet, am I going to see you, uh Win Win..." The soft sure voice whined.

Win smiled. "I will be there soon." He could here the cheerful screams on the background. Team will be swimming with the junior team in a few hours. He quickly the call and looked out the window. It was going to be a long day for him.

Win My Heart [BounPrem]Where stories live. Discover now