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Win was already seated at a coffee shop near Team's area. He took a couple's table beside the transparent windows where he watched people walk by. It was a bright day but Win felt heavy in his heart.

Lately he has been having conflicted feelings. Meeting Team opened up a whole new world to him, and he didn't want to loose that. He felt very fragile at the moment. He watched closely as Team made his way through the door. The boy looked peaceful as usual. His face was lit with joy. It made Win's heart melt. He motioned to him and Team walked straight to the table.

When Team reached Win's side, Win stood up and gave the boy a full hug. He couldn't help himself even if they were in a public place.

"Birthday boy," Win said.

Team smiled and both of them sat down. "What is it P? Are you okay?"

Win shook his head. "No." He passed a cup of coffee to Team.

"Why?" Team asked as he searched his senior's face for clues.

Win leaned on the table and looked at the boy. He was so simple and clueless.

"First of, Team," Win breathed. "The national swimming competition form is out, I'm sure you're interested."

Team's face brightened with joy. "Yes! I will like to participate."

"Good for you," Win leaned away.

Team noticed Win's eyes glistening.
"Why? What's the matter?"

"I'm not interested. I want to quit swimming."

"Huh! P... Why?"

"Nothing," Win exhaled deeply. "I don't just feel like it anymore. I was only doing that to make my father happy."

Team looked away saddened by the idea.
"What's the point of me swimming if you're not there?"

"No no. You have to do it. That's your dream."

Team glared at Win with mixed emotions, he wasn't sure if he was happy or sad at the moment. He stood up and walked out of the coffee shop.

"Team. Team!" Win called behind him, but Team ran out without turning back.

Win finally caught up with him down the road. It got a bit embarrassing as people walking down the road glanced at the two of them. It was obvious that people could tell they were lovers.

"Okay. Team." Win grabbed Team's arms and swirled him around. "Okay. What do you want?"

"P, you have to participate. That's what I want." Team crossed his hands over his chest and turned away. "You are the best swimmer in the school, why would you quit?"

Win rolled his neck and his hair came over his face. "Okay. I will participate. I was only joking."

"Why would you be joking about something like that?"

"Oh, are you angry with me?"

"Yes," Team pouted.

"Aww... I'm sorry," Win smiled and cupped Team's face.

"Stop," Team held Win's hand to stop him from touching his cheeks. "People are looking."

"I don't care."

Team looked around the road. He could see people were still observing them.

"P let's go to my place."

"Oh... You said your friends are there."

"Yes, but let's go." Team held the senior's hand and pulled him towards the direction of his house.

When they got to the house, Mannow was watching a bl series while Pharm was doing some homework at the reading table. Mannow froze at the sofa when she saw Team walk in with Win. It was as if a flower boy dropped out of a movie.

"Errr..." she scrambled out of the sofa and ran to grab Pharm. "We need to go." She whispered.

"No, you guys can stay. I just came because Team forced me to," Win gestured.

Mannow waved her hand. "Ahh don't worry P. We were about to leave. Pharm right?"

Pharm nodded frantically. Mannow pulled him towards the door. She waved and gave Team an okay sign before shutting the door.

Win shook his head and smiled.

"Don't mind my friends," Team said. He quickly went to the bed and straightened the sheets and blanket.

Win paced about the room, admiring the little decorations of ocean wallpapers and photographs of Team on the wall.

"Nice room."

"Ah P... Thanks," Team smiled. "So what will you take. I have juice and milk."

"I'm fine," Win said as he relaxed on the sofa.

Team shrugged. He walked to his small fridge in a corner and grabbed a chilled bottle juice.

"Here you can have this."

Win flickered his eyes at Team. Without warning, he pulled Team and the boy fell on the sofa beside him. "I told you I'm fine."
Win slowly moved the boy's dark hair from his cute face.

"It's just juice. You look um... tired."

Win collected the bottle and placed it on the  table, then he stared at the boy. He took his right and curled his fingers with the boy's.

"Do you feel anything for me, Team? Because my heart is beating so fast."

"Haha," Team chuckled. "Yes I feel like you're about to eat me." Team tried to stand up but Win pulled him closer.

"Are you afraid of me?"

"No P."

"You know if I wanted to love again, I would come back to you."


"You are the only person that knows how to win my heart. You don't have to be afraid of me or anything. Do you understand?"

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