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Win's eyes glistened at that point and his heart got clouded with emotions. He let his hand hang downwards while he stared at his father in disbelief. So he will not only swim for his school, he will be going to Taiwan for another competition.

Why? How did his father just take such decisions without even considering him. When will all this end? He had to confront his father once and all. He was really exhausted.

He turned to his father who was typing away in his laptop as usual, like nothing else mattered. The man was still dressed in his  two piece black suit.

"I can manage the school competition, but I can't go to Taiwan."

"What did you say?" The man asked without looking up.

Win breathed. He walked backwards to avoid his father's reaction. "I said, Taiwan, I can't go there."

The man closed the laptop and looked at his son with pitiful eyes.
"Hey, this is not something you decide to do or not. You have to be in Taiwan. You are representing the company and it is sponsored by them, you really want to embarrass me?"

Win wiped his nose.
"I said I can't do it." Win tried to sound reasonable and not raise his voice at his father.

"Why? Are your limbs broken or what?" the man's voice spiked. "Are you sick or something?"

Win hesitated. "No but..."

"Don't want to hear any buts," the man looked away in thought for a second. "Well, I can go ahead and fill the forms on your behalf maybe before then you will change your mind."


"Hand the form back," the man stretched his hand towards Win. "Give it back!"

Win took a step and gave it brown envelope back to him. The man snatched it rudely. "I don't know why you would not want to take this opportunity and go to Taiwan. What exactly is keeping you here? Just school, you can start a better life there when you become the best swimmer in Asia."

"You say that so easily because you don't know what its like..." Win heard himself speak back.

The man felt insulted. He turned to see if it was Win talking back. "What?"

"I have people that I love, I can't just leave them and move to Taiwan."

"Love?" the man did a double take. He almost chuckled. He hardly ever had a normal discussion with his son. He was getting irritated at this point. "Look Win. Your career comes first. Do you hear me? There is no reason to get yourself involved in those childish love games. Concentrate!"

Win swallowed. "Love is not a game, it might be for you. Love is a beautiful thing."

"Who told you?" the man almost got up from his seat. "That idea is just for weaklings."

Win smiled warmly as Team suddenly flashed through his mind's eye.
"I found someone that showed me how beautiful love can be," Win's voice quivered, "... and I love him too."

Win My Heart [BounPrem]Where stories live. Discover now