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The first semester activities had began in the university and luckily for Win, the Taiwan competition had been fixed within that week. He hoped his little plan worked since he has set up to please his father just to maintain their already strained relationship.

Win left Suvarnabhumi airport, taking the first flight to Taiwan. He arrived and joined the rest of the swimmers who had also arrived from other Asian countries; Mongolia, Hongkong, Japan and Russia.

A large crowd had gathered at the university of Taipei where the international swimming games was held. It seemed just a few Thai fans recognized Win. He had kept his movement low key. He only wanted this to be done with so he could go home.

After about an hour of preparation, the swimmers were set. The junior team swam first.  A winner emerged after winning with a record of 52.87seconds. The young man, Chu Kong was from Taiwan.

The whistle was blown for the hundred metre breast stroke for the senior team. Win stretched his torso. When he took position in the middle of the swimming pool, a beautiful image flashed through his mind. He could see Team smiling and waving at him from the pool that was twice as large as the one back in the university. He smiled slightly and rolled his neck. He was ready.

They rest of the athletes took their positions and got ready for the game. In three seconds a shot fired, and the swimmers all dived into the pool almost at the same time.

Win had this quote reeling in his mind once he had dived in. Real swimmers never give up when they feel the pain, they just push harder. Win recalled the very words he normally tell the new students who joined the team back at school.

What makes you push harder? The beautiful memories of the people you love. The memories increase passion and moves us to be the best. When you remember the care and sacrifice, you want to be the best, even when in pain, you just push harder.

The swimmers ended the final round and awaited the results. Win felt his bones weaken in the water. He managed to pull himself out and went to sit on a bench. He stared at the time board. It was taking the judges longer to declare a winner. The other swimmers were  getting impatient. The crowd waited, until a loud music went off. It was the acoustic version of the Thailand anthem.

Win's eyes widened in shock. A new record have been set for 52.60. He had just beat the former senior champion of 52.83. The other swimmers came to congratulate him while others gave him a hug.

He heard his father screaming his name from the crowd. Win forced a smile. Of course, that was what the old man wanted, he fame and possibly financial gain. Win swallowed his angst and couldn't wait to leave the arena.

The head judge wasted no time. He quickly came around and put a golden medal on Win's neck, and declared Win the new champion.  Over ten camera men took photos of the spectacular moment.

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