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Both boys ran out of the pool area through a back door. When they were out of sight and approaching the school football field, Win stopped to catch his breath. He was holding his shirt in his hand. They had outsmarted the caretaker and made for the locker room, took their uniforms and ran out. Leaving the caretaker to wonder if there were ghosts in the swimming pool.

"We're so lucky," Team said catching his breath.

"Yes. He would probably be thinking there was a ghost in the the swimming pool," Win said smiling.

Team burst into laughter and shook off water from his head. "It was your idea for us to run."

Win slowly put on his shirt as he watched the boy still breathing. The heaving of Team's chest got his heart beating as he felt blood rush to his groin.

"What are you doing later?" He asked. He took a step closer and ran his hand through Team's wet hair.

"Nothing, why do you ask?"

"Can we hang out?"

"Where?" Team asked.

Win reached out and held Team's hand and squeezed. "I can buy you dinner, then we can talk."

"Talk about what?"

Win tilted his head and licked his lower lips, then he bit it it softly and gazed into Team's eyes.
"Anything you want."

Team paused for a while. He suddenly felt his face flushed as he watched the senior's slightly sexy actions.


"Just call me Win, enough of the P." Win waved his hand.


"I know you can't, you are so cute Team," Win rubbed his fingers on the boy's cheek. "So can we see? Please?"

Team knew a little about Win's father. He didn't want the man getting angry at him for staying out late.
"I really don't think..."

"Shhh," Win placed his index finger on the boy's lips to shut him up. "No excuses. I'm your boyfriend now. It's official. It is okay for me to take you out to dinner."

"You mean like a date?"

Win nodded. "Yes. You eat too much school food you haven't been to a real expensive restaurant."

"Expensive? You have so much money to spend right?"

"I will spend a fortune to have you Team," Win said softly acting seductively.

Team threw a hard look at the senior. He was mesmerized by the statement, that he couldn't process any thing in his brain at that moment. "I...I..." he stammered out.

"What? I love you, is that what you want to say?" Win winked.

Team grinned. "Stop!" He shook his hand off the senior. "I need to go home now my friends are waiting for me."

Win chuckled as he watched the boy walk away quickly.


Win was all smiles when got home. He had seen Team off half way down his area before waving goodbye, promising to call him up by seven for the dinner.

Fortunately for Win, his father wasn't back from work yet. He quickly took a shower and checked his wardrobe for a casual wear of jean and white sweater. He arranged the clothes on the bed and walked to the bathroom, with a light blue towel wrapped round his sleek waist.

He stood in front of the bathroom mirror and inspected his face, his neck and arms.

Lately, his body seemed to be getting stronger but he never let it bother him. The cramps had died down for a while since he had swam less and reduced performing strenuous exercises. Nevertheless, he still needed to take precautions.

He took out his drugs bag and popped about six different pills into his fingers. He stared at the drugs for a moment before swallowing, then he gulped down a bottle of water.

His phone rang out. He picked it up and glanced at the screen. It was Dean.

"A'Win,  where did you go?"

"I'm home."

Dean inhaled on the other end. "Are you still not going to join the swimming competition. The deadline is close."

"Dean, I'm not sure if I can participate in both competitions?"

"Then you will go to Taiwan?"

Win crossed his arms over chest.
"I don't know Dean. You know my father can act crazy at times."

"Hey, you decide and let me know by the end of today."

"Okay thanks." Win disconnected the call and inhaled deeply. He rubbed his hands over his face and stared at his reflection for a while. He had a really tough decision to make at this point in his life.

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