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I wish...

Team put his hands together and made a wish in his heart. He blew off the candle and smiled. He scooped some icing with his finger and tasted it.

"This is delicious."

"Your like it?"

"Yes," Team nodded. He dipped his finger again into the fluffy cake. Without warning Win held his hand and glared into Team's eyes.

"Let me taste it."

Team watched as his senior engulfed his finger with his wet mouth and licked up all the cake. Team felt his insides turn upside down. Blood began to flow in specific directions of his lower body.

He quickly withdrew his hand away. "P'Win..."

Win smacked his lips. "I was just tasting your cake."

"You can take a bite. You don't have to eat my finger."

Win smiled. He held Team and they both sat down under the tree.
"Do you know what they say about the mistletoe tree?" Win asked.

Team looked up and admired the tree's stems. It had very beautiful leaves that exuded passion.

"No. What is it?"

"They said any couple that kiss under the mistletoe plant, they will have a long lasting love."

"But... Are we..."

Win grabbed the boy's hand and placed it on his chest directly next to his heart.
"Can we make this love long lasting?"

Team blinked hard. "I..." When no words was coming out from his mouth, he nodded slightly.

Win leaned closer and pressed his lips on the boy's. He didn't want to rush Team. He gave him a second to recover from the shyness mixed with shock. Then he leaned in again and kissed Team. This time he let his tongue softly savor the cake laden lips of the boy.

"You're so cute and sweet, Team," Win whispered as he tilted his head and kissed Team's lower lip.

When they parted, Team felt like his soul had left his body. It took him a few seconds regain his stance. His brain tried to process the situation. His senior just kissed... P'Win Just kissed him.

"It's getting late, Team. I will walk you home," Win said.

After waving goodbye to Win, Team made his way to his room. His body till felt shivers from the after effect of the kiss earlier. He sat in bed recalling the events of the night. He could say P'Win was really romantic.

And they kissed. What does that even mean?

Team laid his head on the pillow. His head was still roving in space when his phone rang.

"Hello son."

"Ma," Team said when he recognized the voice of his mother. "Ma how are you?"

"Of course I am good. Happy birthday son. Sorry I didn't call you earlier. I spent so much time in the market, I was so sleepy."

Team smiled. "Thank you ma."

"Hope you have lots more birthdays to celebrate."

"Yes ma."

"Will you celebrate with your friends?"

"Err... I have this one friend make cake for me." Team got teary eyed already.

"Who would be so kind to make my son a cake?" Team's mother giggled on the other end.

"He is a senior in school."

"He must be a nice young man, is he handsome too?" the lady chuckled again on the other end.

"Yes, he is."

"When you see him you tell him that I am grateful for making a cake for my baby on his birthday. Let me leave you sleep son. Bye."

"Bye ma."

Team disconnected the call and relaxed again on the bed. What a night! This was one of the best birthdays of his life. He couldn't wait to meet Pharm and Manow and share the news with them.

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