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There have been no sign of Win for the past hour and Team was getting uncomfortable been alone in the waterfall.

He had dialled Win's number several times and he wasn't answering. Team was totally devastated. He was almost regretting why he came out in the first place.

The night owls were beginning to gather. Other birds chirped around the trees while a few couples cuddled quietly in hidden corners. Still there was no sigh of Win any where.

"Hey, cute boy."

Team looked up angrily to the direction of the husky voice. He knew Win's voice to be sweet and romantic. This was not Win.

"What are you doing here alone?" the stranger emerged from a dark corner. A flirty smile hung on his thick lips. "It's getting pretty late."

Team studied the man. He had a brown ugly hat on his head. A camera was hung on his neck. He wore a black long-sleeved and  white short.

"It's not your business," Team replied. He looked away. He wasn't in the mood for jokes or talk with a random guy.

"Your face is so pale, come on let's go have a drink, I can cheer you up."

"I am not interested," Team said without looking at the man. He was already getting irritated by his constant pestering.


Team didn't answer.

"It's going to be dark soon, you don't want the mosquitoes to bite your smooth skin." The man made to touch Team's hand, but he flinched and pushed him away.

"Come on, what's the problem?"

"I said I'm not interested."

"That is what you cute boys say. You think I can't get a better boy if I look around?"

Team looked at the man like he had gone crazy. He sounded like a pervert. In fact he was a pervert.
"What the fuck are you talking about? Why don't you go find someone else to play with?"

"Aww... Did I make sad?"

The man reached his hand to touch Team's cheek when a stronger hold stopped him halfway. The man turned to see a tall, dark blonde holding his hand almost about to break his wrist bone.

"Ahh, it hurts," the man muttered.

"What is your deal? Huh? You want me to report you for assault or you need a punch to your face?"

"I was only admiring him."

"He said he wasn't interested. Now apologize to him."

"Okay. Okay. Sorry."

"I didn't hear." The blonde squeezed harder.

"Ahhh." The man winced in pain. "I'm sorry okay."

Win released his grip and the man almost stumbled to the ground. He walked away really quickly without looking back.

Win turned to Team who have been looking at him, speechless. Team suddenly felt a swell of anger rising to his chest. He started to  walk away. Win ran up to him and grabbed his arms.

"It's my fault, Team. Don't be angry."

Team faced Win. "You... Why didn't you just tell me you wouldn't come. I called your number you refused to pick my calls, you keep me waiting all day. I was scared something happened ..."

Without thinking about it, Win grabbed Team and pulled him to his chest. He wrapped his arms warmly around the boy and rested his head in the nook of his head.

"Thank you," Win whispered.

"For what?" Team asked raising his eyebrows in confusion.

"For waiting," Win whispered into the boy's hair. Win inhaled his scent for a moment. Team's body was warm he didn't want to release him again. He hugged him even harder.

Team pulled away and glared into Win's soft eyes. He was lost for a moment before he spoke. "What took you so long? I..."

Win hushed him. "I'm here, right. That's more important. Let's go. I haven't forgotten about my surprise for you."

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