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Team wasted no time. He prepared within five minutes. He got on the next bus heading to the beach. It was a drive of about thirty minutes. He hoped he would not be late and keep his senior waiting. He tried to pretend not to be excited but internally he was super excited. He just didn't want to get his hopes too high. He was just meeting up with Win, nothing more.

He took out his phone and read the message again.

'Meet me at the beach. Near the water falls. 4pm. You like surprises? Don't be late. Win.'

Surprise? What surprise? He almost chuckled. P'Win has a surprise for him? What could it be? Team thought.

He quickly switched on his camera and took a selfie to remember the moment. He was about to send the photo to Win when he got a message notification.

He tapped the screen and saw a Line message from Pharm.

'Team, what are you up to?'


'Where are you?'

'Nowhere, why'

'Manow wants to know.'

'Don't tell anyone, P'Win invited me over to the beach.'

'Huh? Again... Making babies now..'

'No! Crazy'

Team rolled his eyes and logged off the chat. The bus soon arrived at the destination. Team smiled and slide his phone in his pocket. He got down from the bus and inhaled the fresh air. He noticed there were  other couples coming down from the bus, holding hands with their loved ones. His eyes caught the gay couples faster. They all seemed lovely, he envied then.

Team suddenly felt lonely. He made his way to the water fall area hoping he would meet his senior.


Time was moving quite faster than usual. It was some minutes past five pm and Win was yet to decide what he wanted to do.

He had already pulled up his windows to jump out but he had a second thought. It felt childish to jump. He wanted to be his own man and take straight decisions not out of fear or weakness. It was tempting to go this way when he was younger but he has gotten matured over the years. He scratched his head in annoyance and his neatly combed blonde hair loosened up.

If he jumps out the window, his father might come to check on him. If he finds an empty room, that will be double trouble. What will he do? Call Team?

What will he tell him? That he got in a fight with his father so he couldn't come again? The idea sounded pathetic. This was a huge deal and he wasn't supposed to disappoint Team. He was going crazy.

He reached for his phone and dialed a number.

"Dean... I need your help." Win breathed.

"What's the problem?"

"You know my dad believes you? Can you come to my house and convince him we're going for swimming lessons. Please."

"But we don't have any lessons today?"

Win ran his hand through his hair.
"I know, just come. I will explain."

Win My Heart [BounPrem]Where stories live. Discover now