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Win's eyes roved around like a hawk scanning the students who had gathered in the pool area. He made sure they were all fit and properly dressed in their swimming gears.

Out of the twenty boys or so gathered there was one who particularly stood out.

Someone had actually come to swimming practice in his white and black uniform. How ridiculous. He waited while president Dean finished addressing the students.

"Hey you." He pointed at the boy's direction. Win noticed him fidgeting. His face crumpled as if he had swallowed a raw fish.

The rest of the boys made way while he stepped closer.

"Why are you here?" Win asked. His face was stern without expression.

"I... err..."

"How clumsy." Win muttered. He saw the rest of the boys had turned their attention to them.

P'Dean walked to the scene. He faced the boy. "Do you want to swim?"

The boy nodded frantically.

"Why don't you go change. A short competition is coming up right now. So if you want to be part of the swimming club, you have to make the top five," Dean said.

Team watched the boy closely. He wasn't moving. He just stood there glaring at him.

"What are you still waiting for? Go change."
Win turned to leave. He was about to put on his swimming goggles when he heard his name.

"P... Win."

"What?" Win faced the boy again.

"I wanted to tell you something." the boy started. "I was the guy you saved at the beach."

Win laughed and rolled his neck. He was shirtless and his ripped abdominal muscles was as strong and delicate at the same time. A few strands of his blonde curly hair covered his eye.

He noticed the boy avoided making eye contact with him.

"Yeah so what about it," he said. "I have saved countless guys. What makes you so special?"

"I just wanted to thank you." The boy stretched out his hands.

Win stared at the fancy bag in his face. He didn't expect that so he was taken aback. He could hear the junior boys starting to whisper.
It felt quite uncomfortable to receive a gift in public.

"You're giving me a gift?"

"It's just a few snacks my friend made."

Win rolled his eyes. He had a habit of smiling even when he was angry or in pain. He had grown accustomed to several emotions he smiles through them all.

"Hey... You seem to have a lot of free time huh?"

Win watched the boy closely. He must have put some efforts to really prepare some snacks And he didn't want to be rude.

"Okay." Win breathed. "I don't normally accept food from strangers but... Just go drop it in the locker room and change to your swimming gear."

The boy finally smiled. He bowed and walked towards the locker room.

Why was he so sulky over some snack? Win wondered as he watched the boy disappear into the locker room. No one close to him had really appreciated his efforts or even shared snacks with him. This was new.


How can he be so stupid to have gone to the club in his uniform?
Team scratched his head in frustration when he got to the room.

How clumsy... Win was probably right.

He checked for Win's personal locker around the room. Then he saw the one written Win in bold dark ink. Beside his own was Dean's. Team placed the snack bag beside the locker written Win.

He recalled Dean's words. There was going to be a short competition where the best swimmers will be chosen. Team wasn't ready for it. He wasn't ready for any competition that day. He didn't even come with his swimming gear. It will be a waste of time.

No, maybe he should just give up in swimming totally. Who cared anyway.

A soft smile lined his face and he felt enthralled that he finally spoken with Win. He achieved that today. Now he can continue with his life.

But Win looked really cool. He would have also loved to see him swim but that will be another day.

Team left the locker room and went to his class taking a different route.

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