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The weather was hot when Team and his friends came to the coffee shop to have some cold drinks. It was a little past twelve noon and they decided to spend their lunch break at the cafe instead of the school restaurant.

Manow ordered chilled juice for her, Team and Pharm while she joined them at the table.

Manow gulped down almost half the liquid content and fanned herself with her hands.
"Ahh... I'm so hot." Manow said.

"You sweat too much, maybe because you eat two people's food." Team teased her as he chewed up his bag of potato chips.

"When did I eat two people's food, huh? I just tasted Pharm's noodles."

Both Pharm and Team laughed. Manow sipped up her juice while she brought her phone and began scrolling through the the yaoi fan pages on facebook.

"Ah Manow did you know?" Pharm suddenly said.

"No what? Tell me."

Pharm signalled to Manow to come closer. Manow Leaned closer and Pharm whispered in her ears.
"Team is going to the beach tomorrow."

"With who!" Manow yelled.
Pharm held her back. "It's a secret."

Manow squinted her eyes and faced Team.
"Are you going somewhere without telling me? Who is he? Huh?" she wriggled her eyes in a funny way.

Team playfully hit Pharm. "I told you not to tell her.

"I didn't say anything!"

Team was about to grab Pharm when someone whistled sexily. They all looked up and saw Win in the company of his friends walking into the shop.

"Speak of the devil..." Pharm muttered. When he saw Dean he quickly left the table and went to meet his lover, leaving Manow and Team at the table.

"The devil?" Manow turned to the direction and saw Win striding towards their table. She gasped. "He's coming this way."

"Ooiii!" Team tried to hide under the table but Manow held him back. The three friends watched in slow motion as Win made his way to their table.

Team finally pretended to sip at his already empty cup of soda. He tried to avoid eye contact with the senior standing opposite him.

"Having fun?" Win asked. His blonde hair loosely swept his handsome face. His white shirt was buttoned half way through baring his strong muscular chest.

Manow nodded as she was still gazing at the handsome greek god in front of her.

Win made his way around the table and stood beside Team. He collected the bag of chips resting on the table and threw some into his mouth.


Team fidgeted. The soft cologne emanating from the body of the senior almost melted Team. He  held his breath.


Win leaned beside Team and spoke to his hearing alone. "I hope you're getting ready for tomorrow."

Team nodded slyly. "Yes P."

"Don't forget to bring some snacks."

Team turned to look at Win. Their faces was so close, both men stared at each other for some seconds. Team quickly blinked away. Does that mean he enjoyed eating those snacks? Team wondered.

Team tried to smile but he watched the senior starting to walk away. But then Win stopped and glanced back at Team.
"You can have another round of drinks, I will pay."

Hearing that Manow shrieked with excitement and rushed to get more drinks.


"What are you up to Win?" Dean asked when he and Win were alone on the dressing room.

"Nothing. Why do you ask?"

"I see the way you are teasing that junior," Dean smirked.

"Ah... Team." Win said as he pulled off his blue workout clothes and started to wear his white shirt.

"He's a friend of Pharm too."

Win looked surprised. "Ohh... I had no idea."

"So what are you up to?"

"Well I will like to court him... You got any problems with that?"

Dean looked at his friend like he was strange. He knew Win to be cold and not capable of falling in love with anybody. He has known him for eight years and he literally had never been in a relationship.

"I don't have a problem with that. I think it's a good thing."

"You think so?"

Dean nodded.

"Dean, he made me snacks, you know," Win gazed into the air. "No-one ever did that for me."

"Pharm told me about him. He's a good kid."


Win tidied himself up. He changed to his white shirt. After school was over, he went home feeling excited for his meeting with Team tomorrow.

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