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A short swimming test was fixed by Dean, where all interested swimmers from different departments swim a double lap and the best ten are chosen to represent the school.

Team was anxious about it when he went to the pool for the club meeting. He could see P'Win with the rest of the seniors. He was busy preparing the students for the test. He gave them a short briefing and encouraged them to swim their best. Team noticed Win was trying to avoid eye contact with him. He really looked good shirtless.

Dean quickly arranged the students in group of sevens. Team was in the third group. The first group quickly took their position and awaited the sound of the whistle.

Win blew the whistle and the first group dived in the water. The other students who had come to watch cheered them up as they swam back to the starting point.

Win pointed out the first three fastest swimmers and the rest was disqualified. The second group took position. When the whistle was blown they dived into the pool

Team felt nervous as he saw really good swimmers showing their skills. He waited anxiously for Win to say something special to him but Win seemed busy watching the students like a hawk. He was really strict and took the swimming business quite seriously.

Only two swimmers was selected from the second group.

Competition was getting tougher. Team's eye widened when Win walked over to address his group.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Yes P!"

"It's not the end of the world if you don't make it to the top ten. Keep swimming and be the best. Okay!"

"Yes P!"

"Take positions."

The boys walked in a straight line to their various positions. Win held Team's hand and stopped him for a minute.


"P, how are you? I mean your body?"

Win shrugged cutely and rolled his tongue in his mouth. "I can't be sick again after you massaged my body last night."

"Ah P. You enjoyed it."

"Of course I feel better. Are you prepared to swim?"

Team shook his head slightly. "P... I was with you yesterday you never told me about a swimming test?" Team said admiring the senior's hair that was clipped behind like a samurai.

Win smiled. He ruffled the boy's dark hair. "You have to be ready at all times. Now make me proud okay."

Team bowed slightly. "Yes P."

Win leaned closer towards the boy. "And meet me at the changing room after the competition."

Team blushed. He hurried to take his position, covered his eyes with his swimming googles and set his mind to swim the fastest.

When the whistle was blown Team dived the farthest.

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