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After the night was over, I was allowed some time alone in Aro's room. I had to say, his room was a hell of a lot messier than the other two's. Papers were thrown all over the desk. When I made a comment, he just called it organized chaos. Yeah, no, the man was just messy as hell with his work. It wasn't that I minded, as long as his papers didn't reach the bed or his bookshelves, it was just that it was so damn hard to not go through everything and clean it for him, which he asked me not to do. Sensitive papers and such that he would rather me not read at the moment.

I had been pondering whether or not Edward and Bella really were mates these past few days. Mates were people who filled each other in ways nobody else could. They give suicidal people a reason to live. As much as they would deny it, Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen are not true mates. If they were, Edward would have been in physical pain while being separated from Bella. He wouldn't have been able to leave her. They act like their love is better than mine, but my loves were made for me. Nothing could painlessly separate us. Their love had a time limit.

My love is timeless, eternal in it's own right, even with my human body.

The two of them would live together for however long it takes one of them to find their true mate. Hopefully by then, they will have realized that they need to be with one one that they were destined for, made for. Their love is childish and will soon outgrow them. Edward was young when he was turned and seems to still have his teenage behaviors. I don't think that he knows what he has done to me, his friends, and his family.

Carlisle Cullen would always be the only father figure I ever had. He would forever be like a father to me, even when I called him by his first name. The man had a kindness in his heart that could not be tarnished by anything, even if he did eat animals. He had respect for other people and their diets, unlike Edward and seemingly Alice. The girl had barely talked to me throughout the ball, sticking with her family and the Denali Coven.

Esme Cullen was a motherly figure for everyone. She cared about children. I know that she would always care for me, no matter my life choices. Her kindness is one of the reasons why the fates had put her with Carlisle, the two of them were unfathomably kind and welcomed all sorts of people into their family without question. Esme would be like a mother to me even after I turned. I would miss her cooking though, she's the best cook that I know.

No matter what Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen say to me, I know that they are wrong. They will always be wrong about my mates, about me and my future as a queen. I will not be cruel like they say I will be. No, I'll be kind. I'll show them just how kind I can be. Vampires will fear the Volturi, that has and will always be the case, but they will not fear an iron fist from me. Criminals will not be tolerated, but I will bring down justice in a fair way. Every corner, every single corner, will help us unravel the truth in every case.

I need to be turned.


The decision of turning had come up already at the ball last month. It would have to come up again. I wanted to turn. My mates would then no longer have to worry so much about me. As a vampire, I would be able to not only protect myself, but feel the mating bond as they do.

It wasn't like I didn't feel the bond at all, it was just muddled, blocked by my humanity. I felt the snaps that would occur when I was with the three of them, the snaps that screamed mate at me. From what Marcus had said, the bond only can be completed when both parties are vampires. It sucked, but that was the truth.

I would have to turn eventually anyways, so why not sooner? Humanity was just looking worse on me day by day.

"Aro," I whined into my mate's chest. Aro ran his hand through my hair and hushed me, softly kissing my head. "Aro, we do need to talk about stuff."
"What is it that you want to talk about, il mio amore?" my raven headed mate asks, looking a little bit concerned. Nothing good usually comes out when someone says we need to talk about stuff. Thankfully, I'm not something usual. I'm an annoying human with ADHD.

✓ | 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒, Volturi KingsWhere stories live. Discover now