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I'm just warning you, Stefan will be out for blood now that your mates killed his soul brother. Those bonds are strong and he cared for his brother. When you go, he will be there and he will help the other side fight if you do start a battle. He will be destroyed, but I don't even think he cares at this point. All he wants is revenge. He knows that Helios went missing, but he assumed that the child either died before Lana gave birth or that you knew about his existence and killed him.

Do you know who his father is? The biological father, that is. He doesn't matter. Already dead. Attractive and evil man. Helios doesn't take after him at all. Had the same eyes as Lana and Helios when he was younger. Damn asshole.

I had been trying to figure out whether or not the Volturi already knew Helios' biological father. Getting that information could help us when it came to figuring out how my son got a gift of his own.

Alas, Maeve would not hand over that information, citing it either unimportant or not good for us to know. The latter made me think that my mates did know him, or of him at least. Nobody had commented on the matter when asked. Hell, my coven didn't know who this guy was just on the basis of knowing Helios and his gift.

I shouldn't care anyways, he's dead and now Helios has three fathers. He seems perfectly happy with his family.

"Cara mia, here is the paper that you requested. I still do not see the reason why-" I cut my blonde mate off.

"Writing things down helps me understand. Having a perfect memory is only half of learning from things. Plus, having these things written down as first hand accounts does make for an interesting read later down the line," I explain. "Maeve thought it would be a good idea."

"That voice of yours giving you new ideas of how to write a diary has got to be the oddest use of a gift I have ever seen," he deadpans.

"A diary is not what I would call it," I defer, "More like a jumbled mess of thoughts and things that have happened. I don't write in it every day or every month or even every year, just when I find some things to say to whoever wants to invade my privacy."

"Like Aro."

"Most definitely like Aro. His gift-"

"Your gift is much more intrusive, cara mia," he interrupts. I sigh, knowing that he was right.

"Let me write in peace, mate."

"I'll see you when you get finished writing in your diary."


Dear whoever reads this when I put it in my drawer,

If there has been anything that these past few months as an immortal have taught me it is that time may seem like it is going by too fast, but it is in fact going much too slow.

I have waited and waited and waited for this stupid fakeout to happen. Impatience is a curse. I wish that time could go by just a bit faster. Or at least have my guards grab their coats faster. Waiting for three hours because Jane cannot pick out a battle cloak has been a test to my very control as an immortal and as a mother. I love my baby girl, but if she does not pick soon I will do so for her. No complaints.

My time here, really here, as a vampire has been short, but it feels like I have been here forever already. The people inside of these walls are the most interesting in the world. All of them have their own stories and ways that they got here. No person has the same gift, as is for all immortals, but some are very similar.

✓ | 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒, Volturi KingsWhere stories live. Discover now