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"The Volturi are nothing more than monsters who claim that their tyranny is for the benefit of our species! Humanity should be ours."

Ugh, it's so annoying. Kill it, Anna. Don't tell me what to do, Maeve. Mmm, you won't be saying that once you have to deal with the next guy that comes in. Fucking bastard. Keep quiet, Maeve, I'm trying to deal with this trial. Mhm.

"Are you not a monster? Do you not feed on humanity like they are nothing more than cattle? You see, Rue, you are just as bad if not worse than the entire Volturi," Aro stepped in front of the red-headed woman, "You are such a pathetic vampire. Immortality has given you nothing, you have simply learned nothing. What a pity that your gift is so useless to the world. The fates have given you the gift to see the past? Why see what has already happened?"

"I know what you people do," she seethes, "I know what you have with you."

At that, Aro growls, knowing who she was talking about. She knows about Helios. She will have to die not only because of her crimes but because of her knowledge. Nobody can find out right now.

"What you know will be your demise," Caius hisses, holding me on his lap. "Our son is not your concern."

"The Volturi, holding an immortal child as if it were a human," the criminal accuses. "What would the world think? Were you all not the ones to create the rule in the first place? How far the Volturi has fallen. You will be defeated and you will be destroyed for the way that you treat people, the way you manipulate and brainwash people into joining you."

"How dare you?" Demetri loses his composure, pinning the woman down on the marble floor, "None of us are brainwashed and my little brother is no immortal child!"

"He runs like them, he talks like them, he-" Marcus cuts her off.

"Helios has brown eyes, blood, and a heartbeat." The criminal growls at my mates, who were dismissing her accusations and wished to proceed with the trial. "My brothers and I would never allow an immortal child to live. My son, although he has venom and drinks human blood on a daily basis, grows just like any other human child. He has aged quite quickly, actually, looking to be almost 3 at a month old. Such accusations from you will not be tolerated. This is a trial and we are your leaders. I am a king, show some respect."

Aro wasted no time and ripped off her head, an annoyed expression on his face. He wants to kill everyone who claims his son to be an immortal child. I would be upset if he didn't, Maeve. Honestly, these criminals are getting ballsy, thinking that they can speak to their leaders in such a fashion. Accusing the law of the land of such a serious crime is just...I mean leaders break the law all the time but we just aren't willing to talk about that-You didn't break any laws, Anna. I know, I know.

"Onto the next asshole then."


It had taken a month, but Carlisle had finally responded to the letter that I had sent him. Finally. I get he was busy, but like find some time for your queen. Yeah, that would be great. Glad to know that you have my back, Maeve. Always, my queen.

Dear Queen Annalise,

I should start off this letter with my apologies. I have taken much too long to write this letter. Things are busy around here and tensions are high. Edward is still fighting the decision made by the Volturi and the family to make Bella a vampire. I do not see why, but it has been stressful. I know that you do not like the two of them, but it is the truth. Being a coven leader is hard sometimes, especially when two of your coven members are not getting along at the moment.

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