Chapter 40

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"Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself; but talent instantly recognizes genius."
― Arthur Conan Doyle

Chapter 40: Recognition

[lilith Avaleon]

the town was happy after hearing that they are still people that manage to survive the attacked of the goblins.

they immediately help the families the i am with and pampered the little girl i manage to save first.

i happily smiled at the smiling people and help them on assisting the families.

they decided to throw a feast to celebrate our successful escape.

i went to help them as the best as i can but causes everything to become a mess so they decided to make me relax in the corner instead.

i sigh and observes everyone, i stared at the forest and still couldn't see my sister. i wonder what made her delay?

is she injured? no no definitely not i am pretty sure she's not hurt.

she's probably lost. i nod to myself and watch the townsfolk making a food called barbecue? yes that one where the meat are in a stick.

they offered me a pork steak first but i refuse. i don't eat pig meat i can't stomach it actually i can't eat any kinds of meat. i feel bad eating the food that came from the animals.

i sigh and giggles at the kids happily playing. tapping my foot on the floor when the music started playing when suddenly a huge shadow covered me.

slightly frighten i raise my head and was greeted by a huge man that looks like a bear.

"ah he-hello?"

he suddenly bows causing me to yelp in shock.

a plain looking guy smiled at me and bows also. the handsome blonde guy bows at me too. an a many muscular men bowed to me behind them

confuse i curtsied.

"we are grateful for you for saving the people in the village. thank you so much, we were really worried when we heard the goblins were causing trouble at the people so we are really thankful to you"

suddenly i felt angry , gritting my teeth i glared at them causing them to widen their eyes in surprise.

"if you guys are worried why did you let the mission request pinned for months? why did you let those people suffer? why did you not help them as soon as you heard the request?! is it because the reward money is too low?!"

i screamed loudly and the citizens stared at us, only the my heavy breathing and the music could be heard .

i feel so embarrass but the rage i feel overcome my whole system so without knowing i cried in anger.

"you know the goblins are attacking them! you know how dangerous those creatures are! and you just stood their and let them suffer?! did you not even make a move of helping them?! and now you guys are thanking me?! you made them feel despondency! you let many people die!"

"what kind of adventurers are you?! is this just a job to earn money?! then i made a mistake on becoming an adventurer! i even made my sister accept this selfish request of mine to become like you guys so i could help eliminating the people who causes distraught to others! i misjudge you"

i saw how their face turn to sadness and disappointment, but the disappointment they felt isn't directed to me but to themselves.

i smiled sadly i wipe my tears.

"but i don't regret it... because i insist on becoming an adventurer i manage to save lives. so even though you guys made me feel disappointed i'm still thankful. because you men choose to become an adventurer ad risk your lives to save others even though it's because of the reward so thank you" i bowed

their eyes widen and they immediately stop me.

i stared at their faces filled with tears and snot.

"no o it's us who should be thankful!"

"yes yes thank you!"

"because of you we finally realize what's an adventurer really is!"

no... actually an adventurer is someone who seeks and enjoys adventure.

"Thank you ! we swear to take our job seriously and help other people!"

no .. i just said that because i felt embarrass.

"don't worry from now one we would take every mission that are urgent and help every people in need"

i'm happy to hear that.

i giggle and laugh causing them to stare at me.

i stare at their amaze faces and smiled.

"what's wrong?"

they shakes their head as a no and smiled at me and bows again i bowed and return and smiled widely.

Ezu i wish you were here to see this.

the party begins again and this time everyone seems to be livelier.

"Lilith!" i stared ta the voice calling me and saw Xavier, he smiled at and i instinctively return it and waves.

"good job completing the mission! i didn't expect you to survive" i beams and nod.

"my sister is very strong, obliterating those monsters are just an easy task for her" he laughs and patted my shoulder.

"that's good'

"oh and Xavier how did you know i'll be here? the floral inn is far away from here right?"

he nods and rubs his nape causing me tilt my head in confusion.

"well i was task to do an errand anyway i need to finish it bye!'

weird i suddenly feel his annoyance towards me... but why?

"by the way miss Lilith" i stared at Lucas and smiled at him which he immediately returns.

"what is it?"

"where's your sister?" i didn't answer and awkwardly stared at the forest.

yeah... where's my sister?

[Suzue Reed]

both of us stared at the three roads i front of us.

i do't remember seeing this paths when my sister and i are making our way towards the village, why is this here now?. i was probably distracted to my sister that i just keep on staring at her and listening to her talk while we walk causing me to not remember the path.

"are we lost?"

Ethan.. yes the name of the boy is ethan. Ethan asked me and held my hand while staring at the three different road.

i rub my nape and sigh.

"We're not"

"i think we are"




"are too"

"are not"

"are too"

"are not"

"are not"

"are too... ah damn it"

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